

Best Answer

You can't.

The only thing you can lose over one day is fluid weight, and not fat weight. And going around dehydrated is a very bad and unhealthy idea.

My opinion:everyone has to know that by now, but if they wanna know, they wanna know.

get fatigued ( early exertion pays off when cutting weight)

you can do this by:


-pushup position hold

do either until you cant hold it anymore

or, instead:

-Weightlifting inspired workouts...

(focus on the legs and do some of these: squats, deadlifts, jumprope, hip sled, jumping squats etc.)

then run 4- 5 miles

then drill or live wrestle

then hold plank or pushup position again (if you didnt do it the first time; hold for as long as possible

then drill or go live again

then go in a sauna for how ever long you like -.-

then weigh yourself

then do 25 situps

now your on weight!

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14y ago
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14y ago

Well, let's see... I would ride my bike for an hour. Walk the dog for 30 min. Swim for an hour. And snack in small portions through out the day (to kick up your metabolism). Fabulous! And from one food-anxious-person from another: don't starve yourself, puke, emotional eat, or take stupid diet pills. Trust me: this will help you in the long run.

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What is the best way to lose weight.

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The best way to lose weight is by changing your lifestyle. Cutting out sugar and fried foods will go a long way towards this.

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The best way to lose weight naturally is not to diet. Instead think through the foods that you want to include in your lifestyle and figure out a way to incorporate those in your day to day life. For instance, if you love potatoes, learn the best way to incorporate them into your day to day eating. Instead of buying french fries at McDonalds, make your own with monounsaturated oil and figure out how many calories are involved and adjust your serving size accordingly. Remember most experts agree that you will lose weight on a 1400 calorie a day diet. Think of your favorite foods and work them into your day to day routine. You will be creating your own program that will work for you and it will be one that you can live with for the rest of your life.

Can you lose weight faster if you starve yourself?

Yes, but you'll only lose water weight. and when you start to eat normal again. you'd probably gain it all back or more. best way to lose weight is eat healthy and exercise more. you keep your metabolism high by eating constantly. eat 5-6 times a day with small portions and make sure you down go under 1200 calories a day. cardio exercise is the best way to lose weight and burn off calories

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There is no healthy way to lose weight quickly. The fastest way you can lose weight is eat well, sleep at least 8 hours each night with no interruptions and excercise regularly.

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The best way is simply to eat healthy food and exercise for at least half an hour every day.