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There isn't a set amount to eat or drink because it all depends on metabolism and how much exersize will be completed during that day. It all depends on the individual. Your safest bet is to calculate how many calories you are consuming and then across the day aim to burn of that amound and maybe more. There isn't any true average if you want to amintain a good fitness level

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Q: How many carbs should an active adult male eat for breakfast?
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How much of your diet should be carbohydrates?

breakfast ,dinner, no carbs for tea unless you are doing activity

What is the healthiest breakfast for people who crave carbs in the morning?

It is probably a bowl of porridge

How many carbohydrates should you have at breakfast?

The best thing to eat for breakfast is a natural cereal like kashi, basic4, just look at the ingredients, and a peice of fruit. Or you could have just a peice of fruit cuz that counts as a carb. Or you could have a yogurt. It's really not so much carbs as it is how much carbs or junk is in the food. The best thing to do is get the food with the lowest amount of carbs but even more important the lowest amount of junk.

What should an athlete eat for breakfast?

Not only athlete, but anyone with active lifestyle must include a good amount of complex carbs(slow energy release for the entire day) like oats or wheat brawn, with a quality protein in it like eggs or whey. And must include some sources of essential fats to balance the nutrition chart.

How do carbonhydrate effect teens?

Carbs are energy, if your teen is active, than plenty of carbs is good because they use the energy which could be turned into fat. If your teen does not burn the energy from the carbs than weight gain is a result.

Is baked ziti bad for you?

If you are very active in sports and working out then it isn't really in my opinion. If not too active then it is a lot of carbs that are not needed/going to be burned

How much carbohydrates should you have a day?

Well not alot but most carbs are healthy but if you have too many carbohydrates AKA Bread and pasta its classed as fat, Id say for Breakfast you have Cerial, Lunch Sandwich (Because It has Bread) So dpnt have alot of carbs or you might gain more weight ! hoped This helped ;D

What kind of diabetic breakfast can I prepare that is quick and easy?

Oatmeal is one of the quickest, easiest, and healthiest foods anyone can eat for breakfast. If you don't add sugar to it, it will provide just enough carbs, and help you maintain a healthy sugar level.

How many carbs are in a healthy weight loss diet plan?

There are two kinds of carbs, commonly referred to as "good carbs" and "bad carbs." Carbs are the source of energy in the body and come from starches, fiber and sugar. Simple carbs are the ones to avoid (processed sugar, white bread, candy, etc.) while complex carbs (fruits, veggies, potatoes) are healthier for a variety of reasons. The number of carbs included in the daily meal plan depends on the calories of the plan and how active you are. Read more about carbs here: Read about calculating the number of carbs for your diet here:

Does sardines have carbs in it?

The ones packed in water or oil have almost no carbs. If you are on a carb diet you should avoid the ones in tomato though.

Are bananas ok to eat if your on a diet?

Bananas are full of potassium and, unfortunately, carbohydrates. Carbs are not good for losing weight but berries, such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are much lower in carbs. They are a better choice for weight loss. PS if you are thinking about getting a cat or dog please get one from your local pound

Looking for advice about a a new dietary regiment of breakfast.?

Being a diabetic myself I find the best way to decide on breakfast is a matter of counting carbs (sugar content natural or added). There are many foods out there that are targeted at diabetics to choose from so it is really according to your preferences.