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If you want to burn fat and build muscle, then, you should eat healthy and exercise. You can also lift weights. You should eat fiber everyday in every meal.

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Q: How many grams of fat should you eat if you are looking to burn fat and build muscle?
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How much protein should you be taking to build muscle when you weight 180 pounds?

About 72 grams of protein per day.

How much protein need to muscle build?

For the average sized female approximately 60 grams of protein per day is needed to maintain muscle - over that - in combination with strength training will increase muscle mass. For the average sized male, approximately 80 grams of protein per day is needed to maintain muscle.

How many grams of protein should a 230-235 lb man eat when he is working out to build muscle and lose weight?

230 A trainer at our local gym says 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

Does whey protein build good muscle or is it water wight?

Whey protein is a good source of protein, it has all the essential amino acid (the ones your body can't produce), amino acids its what repairs muscle tissue, in order to build muscle you need to do hypertrophy excercises and take 1~2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.Whey protein by itself will not build muscle, but is a good kind of protein like eggs or chicken, the difference is that Whey has a faster absorbtion.

What is the best protein bar for bodybuilding and muscle build?

No brand is necessarily better than any other but an older male should search out a bar high in protein (at least 18 grams) as well as fiber at least 4 grams. The bar with the least amount of calories after meeting the previous requirements is probably your best bet

Is your metabolism messed up if you used to be anorexic and you're now eating around 1400 calories a day and can't stop gaining weight?

If you were anorexic, you probably lost a lot of muscle mass. It will take you a while to build back muscle and muscle is where you burn calories. Try building muscle mass. Eat plenty of calories and specifically 60 to 80 protein grams or more and exercise to build back muscle mass. You really need to get healthy again and you'll only do that by building muscle.

Will eating a lot of peanut butter help build muscle mass?

Yeah . Most peanut butter has about 7 grams of protein in it per serving. Also this protein is a better protein source. I eat it out of the jar it taste good and is cheap. Also helps build the mass if u excercise. If not . It will make u gain weight not muscle

How many grams of fat should you eat if you are looking to lose weight?

If you are looking for dieting and you should stopping eating sugar, especially like chocolates. Because sugar is latest issue of fatness.

What is the protein content of muscle milk?

Muscle milk is a protein shake that could possibly have anywhere from 8 grams of protein to around 30-40 grams of protein.

How much protein do you need if you are working out daily?

For a woman, she should get about 1.2 grams of protein per pound a day, whereas a man should get about 1.3-1.4 grams in the same manner for either gender to build or tone muscles. The average person needs about 0.8 grams per pound a day (sedentary) or 1 gram per pound a day (active); the same basic amount of protein would suffice as the minimum amount of protein a man or woman needs to get muscle is 1 gram per pound.

You weight 240 and you work out 4-5 times a week what is a good amount of protein you should intake after doing your muscle training?

your daily protein intake should be 1 to 1.5 grams of your bodyweight which means 240-360 grams....after workout you should take about 50-60 grams of protein(not protein powder,while 50-60 grams of protein powder do not provide 50-60 grams of protein but less, since the protein powder is not only protein)...

Should you follow grams on nutrition labels or cups?

You should follow whichever is easiest for you to understand. I personally have a hard time looking at food and figuring out how many grams it is, so I use cups, because that is a measurement I'm used to seeing. If you are following a menu plan that asks you to weigh your food, your scale will have a grams option, and make the grams option easier.