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He wouldn't feel anything. You were just an object to him, like a piece of furniture, he knows he's hurt you but his narcissistic ego is more important to him than apologizing to you. In the words of my husband "I could care less." It might pump up his ego actually, to know that he had that strong of an effect on you. "Man she was really hurt...I just didn't feel it for her." They would laugh at you! Been there done that.

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Q: How would a narcissist feel after you told him the entire relationship with him was the most dehumanizing and unfeminine feeling you ever went through and that you will never go through that again?
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How can you have a relationship with a narcissist without feeling abused?

. You couldn't (improve on last answer, or have a relationship with a Narcissist without feeling abused).You cannot have a relationship with an abuser without feeling abused.

What drives a narcissistic abuser?

Narcissist lack empathy lack of feeling heard our feeling sorry for them who are narcissist they feed on pitty the insecurity in relationship drive conversations regarding trust imagnine living it.

What dos a narcissist do when he ends the relationship?

They leave without feeling anything. most likely they already have an auxiliary supply ready to tap in to (the next sucker). People are objects to a narcissist, so to them it is like buying a new cell phone and throwing the old one in a junk drawer and forgetting about it.

Can a narcissist be sentimental?

No. He can wish for his "glory days" and ACT sentimental. But he is incapable of feeling it.

Why do you feel paranoid after a relationship with a narcissist?

It is due to the fact that they only care for themselves and they might think you aren't good enough. Get over it, since you are obviously scared they might try to get revenge for you not thinking they are good enough. But it is not in a narcissist's nature to harm, since that would be deemining themselves. KthxBye

How can you tell if you are involved with a narcissist?

The easiest way is if you have to fight them for the mirror. They make you feel uneasy. Like something is not quite right. You will lose confidence and find yourself doing things that you would never normally do just to please them. I lost half a stone during my relationship with a Narcissist as I couldn't stop shaking. The worst feeling was one of utter confusion and uncertainty. I have never been treated with so little respect by anyone before in my life!

Is it possible to start acting like your narcissist mate if you have spent many years with him or her?

There are two types of victims .... one type is submissive and will take whatever the narcissist dishes out while the second type of victim fights back in their own way (but, of course never wins the battle with the narcissist, but certainly will win the war if they leave.) The submissive victim has a lack of self esteem, may fear confrontation or come from a family of arguing and therefore refuses to engage in fighting with their narcissistic partner and eventually the narcissist will throw them aside and go onto another victim leaving the passive victim feeling betrayed, alone, fearful and a feeling they actually deserved what they got. They are very scarred emotionally from the narcissist and will need counseling. The victim that fights back is waging a battle with no end, and only when they stand on their own two feet and end the relationship will they have won the war. These type of victims become so embroiled in the battle that they lose who they are in the process and if they end the relationship they too are scarred emotionally and become angry, can be aggressive and have picked up many traits of the narcissist. The victim has built a wall up to protect themselves and it's an impenetrable wall and thus the victim becomes hardened and they too should seek counseling to find themselves once again.

What can you get in relationship?

When you get into a relationship you can get many things for one thing you can get the feeling of being loves the feeling of being cared for. You also help each other out in a relationship. Though the best thing about being in a relationship is that you will and should be treated like your the best person in his/her life.

What kind of pleasure does the narcissist feel with his own behavior?

Since the narcissist has built his existence on a completely false view of himself he feels extreme satisfaction with his performance and basks in the adoration of others who may be fooled by his behavior. On a good day the narcissist is on top of the world, continuously buoyed up by his feeling of superiority. On a bad day, reality may break through and he is bothered by his feelings of inadequacy.Since the narcissist has built his existence on a completely false view of himself he feels extreme satisfaction with his performance and basks in the adoration of others who may be fooled by his behavior. On a good day the narcissist is on top of the world, continuously buoyed up by his feeling of superiority. On a bad day, reality may break through and he is bothered by his feelings of inadequacy.Since the narcissist has built his existence on a completely false view of himself he feels extreme satisfaction with his performance and basks in the adoration of others who may be fooled by his behavior. On a good day the narcissist is on top of the world, continuously buoyed up by his feeling of superiority. On a bad day, reality may break through and he is bothered by his feelings of inadequacy.Since the narcissist has built his existence on a completely false view of himself he feels extreme satisfaction with his performance and basks in the adoration of others who may be fooled by his behavior. On a good day the narcissist is on top of the world, continuously buoyed up by his feeling of superiority. On a bad day, reality may break through and he is bothered by his feelings of inadequacy.

How does Narcissism relate to misogyny which is the hatred of and desire to control women?

Even psychiatrists can't answer this question. A Narcissist has a deep core in them that is extremely complex (many things in one) and their behavior is usually learned from their environment (family.) Example: A young man or woman growing up can be over-shadowed by a mother/father that never lets him/her grow up, or a cruel mother/father or one that deserts him/her, thus, he/she begins to hate the opposite sex. A Narcissist is about control and therefore when a woman/man speaks of love for them the Narcissist feels owned or possessed and they don't like the feeling because they need that total control. Narcissist almost always choose submissive type personalities (easier to control and play head games with.) This DOES NOT mean that a shy or loving mate of a Narcissist is weak at all. The Narcissist is simply the preditor and the victim is their prey. Some Narcissists can hate women or vice-versa with a vengence, but then again, many men/women can hate the opposite sex and not be a Narcissist. Some Narcissists adore women and really try to have a normal relationship, but of course it always fails because of the control issue.

What is full relationship?

A full relationship is trust,and having all your needs met...Never feeling insecure about how much he or she loves you....

If a girl is in a relationship but likes you and feeling the same way what should you do and you in a relationship and feeling that person as well?

You and her are both involved in a love triangle. Tell her to make up her mind on either to pick you as the one for her or the other guy for her.