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No; That is gross

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Q: IS Worms are a good sources of protein and fats?
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Eggs milk fish and meat are good sources of what part of your diet?

meat=protein and fats, LEAN meat is mostly protein. milk=protein, carbohydrates, and fat. eggs=mostly protein, some fat. Milk is mostly balanced.

What are good sources of whey protein?

meat, bread, and fish are great sources of protein... WOW thanks but the question was asking for sources of WHEY protein???

What are fats good sources?

Good sources of fats are olive oils and Nuts. Walnuts are especially high in good oils and can be used in moderation to increase calorie intake without increasing sugar or carbohydrate intake.

What Good sources of protein?

Good sources of protein are meat and usually dry beans such as lentils and beans, milk, cheese, cod and other large proportions that give us protein for our body.

Are potatoes and bread good sources of protein?

No, they are carbohydrates.

What is a good source of fat?

Butter, whole milk, oils, peanut butter, panner and nuts are all good sources of fats.

What could be used instead of protein shakes?

There are plenty of good natural protein sources, and it is important that you get protein from a variety of foods. Beef, chicken, and fish are all excellent sources of protein, and cottage cheese is known as one of the greatest sources.

Are fats good?

yes they are. they are essential in animals since fats are sources of energy. too much fat is dangerous and we all know why

Is meat good source of protein?

Yes, meat is one of the best sources of protein in our diet.

What are vegetables an important source of?

Fresh foods and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals. They are also good sources of protein.

What is the bad sources of protein?

Bad sources of proteins are foods such as Fried Chicken, Fast food type proteins (McDonald hamburgers), and Deli proteins. The difference between good proteins and bad proteins are good proteins come with other good nutrient sources while as bad proteins are going to come with carcinogens and high saturated fats which make these food sources not good to consume. Ex. Fried Chicken is going to be a ton worse then a good source of protein such as grilled chicken why this is? Grilled chicken is going to come with much better nutrients than fried chicken.

What is a good quality protein?

You can get quality protein from many sources but the most common good source of protein is chicken, or, any type of lean meat. Fish is also another good protein source. Protein supplements and bars are also another good choice.