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The difference between what is still owed on the mortgage and what the property was sold for at the foreclosure sale is called a "deficiency". The ability of a lender to collect the amount of the deficiency is governed by state law. You need to check the laws of your state for a definitive answer. See the discussion at the link provided below for more information.

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Q: If the proceeds from the foreclosure sale are not enough to pay off the mortgage is the mortgage still cancelled as a debt against the borrower?
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What happens if someone pays their first mortgage but not their second?

The mortgage companies will end up fighting over the proceeds when your house is sold after foreclosure.

Can a first mortgage foreclose with a second?

Yes. The second is subordinate to the first mortgage and therefore is at greater risk. If equity exists, the 2nd mortgage holder may receive payment for the debt when a senior lender forecloses. If there is not, then their lien on the property is wiped out and they must pursue the borrower in another fashion (such as a lawsuit). If the 2nd mortgage lender does not want the 1st lender to foreclose, they may choose to pay the 1st mortgage current before the foreclosure proceeds and attempt to collect or foreclose themselves.

How do you qualify for a reverse mortgage?

To qualify for a reverse mortgage, the borrower must be at least 62 years old, own their home in full (or be able to pay the balance on their home with the proceeds of the reverse mortgage), and live in that home as their primary residence.

If you are in foreclosure for your first mortgage are you still responsible for the second mortgage if there is a second mortgage on the property?

If your first mortgage is in the process of foreclosure that foreclosure will extinguish the second mortgage as to the real estate. The foreclosure of the first mortgage terminates all subsequent interests in the real estate. After the foreclosure the real estate can be sold free and clear of any subsequent mortgages or liens. However, the debtor remains responsible for the second mortgage debt.Any remaining proceeds from the foreclosure sale after the first mortgage is satisfied are paid toward the second mortgage. In some states the second mortgagee can seek a "deficiency judgment" in court against the debtor. However, even when possible it's not often done due to the costs and the slim probability the debtor will have the ability to pay.You should check your state laws.

Do you have ownership rights to the house if you are listed on the deed but not on the mortgage?

Yes, but if your name was added to a deed after the owner granted the mortgage your interest is subject to the mortgage. If the mortgage isn't paid the lender will take possession by foreclosure and your interest will be wiped out.If the mortgage is paid and the house is sold you will receive half of the proceeds at the time of sale.

What is a short sale for real state?

Any sale of real estate that generates proceeds that are less than the amount owed on the property. A real estate short sale occurs when the lender and borrower decide that selling the property and absorbing a moderate loss is preferable to having the borrower default on the loan. It is therefore an alternative to foreclosure. It is often used as an alternative to foreclosure because it mitigates additional fees and costs to both the creditor and borrower.

If the homeowners association foreclose on property how does your loan get paid to the mortgage company?

If the homeowners association forecloses on a property, the foreclosure process typically involves a sale of the property. The proceeds from the sale are used to cover various expenses, including any outstanding debts, such as mortgage payments. The mortgage company will be paid from the sale proceeds first before any remaining funds are distributed to other creditors or the homeowner.

If one person is on the deed and two people signed the note can the person on the deed sell the property without permission satisfy the mortgage and collect the proceeds?

Of course. A person who signs a note and is not on the deed is simply a volunteer. They have volunteered to pay a mortgage on property they don't own if the primary borrower defaults. The owner of the property can sell the property and pay off the mortgage from the proceeds at any time.

When a borrower receives a discount loan the interest total is subtracted from the principal and the borrower receives the remainder what is the remainder of the loan called?

aplus loan proceeds

Does a short sale happen when I stop making mortgage payments?

No. A foreclosure is what happens when you stop making mortgage payments. A short sale must be discussed and negotiated with the lender. In that case the lender agrees to accept the proceeds of a sale of the property even if they fall short of what is owed on the mortgage. They agree to forgive any remaining balance on the loan. It is a way to avoid a foreclosure. Not all lenders will agree to a short sale.

Federal law requires that excess proceeds be returned to the borrower in the event of a foreclosure sale that nets more than the borower owes on the mortgage and to other lien holders?

It's a state law that would govern this - as far as I know the borrower is entitled to the funds your mention in every state. The same is not true for tax sales that generate more money than what's owed - the owner only gets that in about 1/3 of the states. You can find out all about this topic at

After chapter 7 bankruptcy second mortgage was reaffirmed but not first mortgage if there is a foreclosure who gets their money?

In a foreclosure, creditors are paid in the order of their liens. A first motgage is paid first. Anything left over goes to the second, and if there is still anything left of proceeds, it goes to the third or to the debtor. Taxes and other municipal liens are paid before anything else.