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I have been taking Ritalin myself for over ten years, so my advice may be helpful to you. I remember it took some time before my dose was 'just right' for me. The dose your daughter was given (in my opinion) was too high for her, thus the skin reaction. Let the prescribing doctor know the dosage was may have been too high and he/she will adjust the med accordingly or possibly try an alternative like Adderall or others. As for the rash, if it still persists, I would try the medication called elocon. This is the only medication that works for my daughter that has eczema. -Which, at times has related rash-like symptoms as you described. Just rub on a small amount to the area in need and it will vanish over-night. (At least that's what it does for my daughter!) I only use it on her 2-3 times a month when she is really bad. Good luck!

I'd concur. I've been taking Ritalin and Adderall, on and off, for over a decade. Try to persevere. Getting started on medication [which drug, dosage, etc.] will be the most difficult period. It's important to talk with your daughter's doctor about any problems she is having and work through them. Also it's important to remember that it can take several months for your daughter's body to acclimate to her medication. This is normal and side-effect will disappear with time.

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Q: My daughter has been on Ritalin for 8 days now has rash on face which gets puffy antihistamines and hydrocortisone prescribed was ineffective should she stop Ritalin?
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