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Virginia was in favor of slavery due to their large plantations of tobacco.

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half of it was against and half was for :)

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Q: Was the Western United States for or against slavery?
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Did the Union have slavery?

Originally, slavery was in practice in all of the United States. However, it changed when Abraham Lincoln, a member of the Republican party which had been campaigning against the spreading of slavery farther than it already was. Eleven states broke away from the rest of the United States and formed the Confederate States of America in a rebellion against anti-slavery. But besides from that, anti-slavery was widely accepted throughout the United States.

When and how did a movement against slavery begin?

The movement against slavery in the United States began in the early nineteenth century and gained strength until slavery was abolished in 1865. It was known as the abolitionist movement.

What are contributions to the US union in the civil war?

they resulted in a victory against the confederates, they got the united states abolished from slavery, and the United States was a whole again.

When was slavery declared unconstitutional in the United States of America?

When was slavery declared unconstitutional in the united States of America?

How did slavery affect the United States?

Slavery has had a great impact on the United States. Originally slavery was used as free labor for many farmers.

Is there an earthquake?

yes. in the western united states yes. in the western united states

What-Presidential candidate completely opposed the spread of slavery to western territories?

Abraham Lincoln completely opposed the spread of slavery to western territories.

Is slavery illegal in 5 states?

Slavery is illegal everywhere in the United States.

What year did New York abolish slavery?

they abolished slavery in the northern united states in 1861 and in the southern united states slavery was abolished in 1865.

Is there an earthquake alley?

yes. in the western united states yes. in the western united states

What brought slavery to an end in the unites states?

In the United States, slavery was brought to end by the emancipation proclamation of President Lincolon and Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which ended slavery in the United States in 1865.

Who were the first religious group to speak out against slavery?

The Quakers were among the first religious groups to speak out against slavery in the United States. They actively campaigned against the institution of slavery and were instrumental in the abolitionist movement.