

What affect does candy have?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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13y ago

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It causes more pinworms pinworms like cany you should eat raw eggs and eat sea food.

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Q: What affect does candy have?
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Candy can affect your health if you eat too much as your blood pressure rises and you could get diabetes .

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because viscosity is the thickness of a liquid and in order to make good candy the viscosity has to a certain thickness before you let it cool. If the viscosity is thick than the candy will be like taffy if it is runnier when you take it out than the candy will be hard.

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I don't think there is a connection, unless I am wrong Candy affect your blood sugar level not your blood pressure

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Does Mexican candy have pencil leand in it?

No, pencil lead is made out of non toxic carbon. Plus not all Mexican candy has lead. All Mexican candy that is sold here in the United State is either lead free or very minimum that it won't affect a person. There is a big variety of candy the only candy that might lead is tamarind, chili, or candy that come in a clay container.

How does diabetes affect people?

it doesn't at all. nothing has changed with the person. only their diet has changed as they have to watch their sugar intake. but this shouldn't affect a relationship in any way.

How does suckers affect students learning?

Maybe you are asking whether eating candy in class affects learning. While it probably does not affect your own learning, eating or slurping on candy in class can draw attention to yourself and affect other people's learning. It can also make other people feel bad that they do not have candy. If you have students with diabetes or other diseases in your class, it can cause them to feel sad because of their disease. Mostly, teachers want to have your attention while they are teaching. If you are doing something else, even if it is only eating candy, it divides your attention and makes you seem less interested.