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Good sources of iron:

Dried apricots, plums, figs, raisins, black treacle, parsley, dark green leafy vegetables, cooked spinach, potatoes, beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, tofu, quinoa, oatmeal, whole grains, cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds...

Iron enriched soy milk, cereals and soy products.

Vitamin C and vitamin B12 are needed for absorption of iron. If you are a vegetarian who wants to get as much iron as possible, taking supplements of these will really help.

Arugula is a delicious green that is high in iron. It's great with spinach, another great source of iron, to make a delicious salad. With some capers and balsamic vinegar you've got a delicious salad.

Eating iron rich foods with some sort of citrus also helps the iron be absorbed better.

A good vegetarian multi-mineral can also provide peace of mind if you are unsure of getting enough iron.

For more information check out the links below.
The body needs iron to function. An iron deficiency can lead to problems like fatigue and anemia. Vegetarians are especially at risk since meat is a good source of large amounts of iron naturally.

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Good sources of calcium are - Green leafy vegetables, dark molasses, figs, almonds, sesame seed paste (tahini). Calcium enriched soy milk and Orange Juice.

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Q: What are good sources of iron for vegetarians and vegans?
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Are vegans and vegetarians more likely to get anemia?

It's more difficult to keep those iron levels up, yes. Meat and dairy can be great sources of iron, so many people who switch to being vegan/vegetarian can have difficulty adjusting their diets to fill their iron-void. On the flip side, vegans and vegetarians are more likely to pay attention to what they're eating and therefore more likely to be aware of the amount of iron they consume.

An uninformed strict vegetarian is at special risk for what deficiency?

Protein, Vitamin B12, iron and calcium. Hmm, B12 I'd agree with for a sloppy vegan diet only. B12 is made by microorganisms inside living things and so is found in animal products and meat. Vegans are more at risk than vegetarians because vegetarians can get it through dairy and eggs. However vegetarian foods, flour and margerines are often fortified with B12 and Iron. Also seaweed and yeast extract are vegetable sources. The other stuff is quite abundant in vegetables, you'd be surprised at a lot of sources of protein.

How do vegetarians get the protein and iron they need?

Iron can come from a variety of sources, many of which are vegetarian friendly. Vegetables, especially dark leafy green, contain iron. Many grains (breads, cereals) are fortified to also contain iron. Vegetarians also often take supplements to ensure that they are getting enough of all of the vitamins and minerals that the need.

Do vegetarians absorb iron more efficiently?

Not particularly, no.

What are the problems with vegetarian diet?

Veganism is the strictest form of vegetarianism. Vegans don't eat animal products or animal by-products. Vegans eat healthy foods but they need to take supplements such as calcium, iron, protein and vitamin B12 because these nutrients are sometimes missing in their diet.A vegan diet contains less fat than vegetarian diets so this would be a plus if you are trying to burn fat and lose weight. Vegan diets will generally provide you with more energy than a less strict vegetarian diet.There are four other less strict forms of vegetarianism:1. Semi-vegetarians eat eggs, chicken, diary products and fish. They do not eat any other types of animal meat.2. Ovo-lacto vegetarians don't eat poultry, meat, seafood or fish. They will eat eggs and drink milk. Most vegetarians fall into this group of eaters.3. Ovo vegetarians are similar to vegans except they will eat eggs.4. Lacto vegetarians are similar to vegans except they will drink milk.Since no one's diet is perfect, it is wise to take a daily multivitamin.

Do vegetarians have a higher RDI for iron than non vegetarians?

Yes. Vegetarians have an RDA for iron 1.8 times that for non-vegetarians. Specifically, vegetarian women 19-50 years old need 32mg/day compared to the 18mg/day RDA for non-vegetarian women of the same age range.

What special needs should vegetarians be aware of?

Make sure you get adequate protein, iron, and vitamin B12. Sources of protein: beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds, dairy products and eggs Sources of iron: beans, oatmeal, raisins, spinach Sources of Vitamin B12: miso, tempeh, nutritional yeast, spirulina It is helpful to take vegetarian vitamin and mineral supplements if you feel you need them.

Do vegetarians have more iron deficiencies than meat eaters?


What is the importance of molasis?

Molasis is a rich source of Iron and is extremly helpful to vegetarians in achieving their daily Iron Requirement.

Why are vegetarians at risk of developing vitamin B 12 deficiency?

Everyone needs iron in their diets, vegetarians are just less likely to get it easily because they don't eat meat. All this means is that they have to look elsewhere to get all the iron they need from things like beans, and leafy green vegetables.

What foods have ferrous sulfate in them?

Red meats are the best sources of ferrous sulfate (iron). Green veg are a good sources, but the iron is "non-haem" iron, which is less easily absorbed by the body. Only meat contains haem iron. Dried fruit also contains some (non-haem) iron. Also, shellfish is a fairly good source of (haem) iron, as is kidney and liver (from any animal).

When your gold ring leaves black marks does that mean you are low on iron?

No, if you rub or even swipe the silver ring against your face, and there is a black line left on your face, then you are iron deficient. If there is no black line on your face, then you are good on iron. A way to get iron is cooking with a cast iron pan! it's pretty easy to get Also, girls tend to need more iron than men due to their 'time of the month' where there is a loss of blood. Also vegetarians need to take in more iron. Go vegetarians!