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Answer 1

The main difference between the three Abrahamic religions is that most Christians believe in the Holy Trinity, that God is composed of three parts (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), but in Islam and Judaism there is only one god (similar to the 'Father') with no partner, son or equal. Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but not God nor the son of God. In Judaism, Jesus is considered a false messiah and Jews do not believe in him. Some Christians do not believe in the Holy Trinity.

All three stemmed from Abraham:

  • Judaism was called for by Moses with the God revelation of the Torah
  • Christianity was called for by Jesus with the God revelation of the Bible
  • Islam was called for by Muhammad with the God revelation of Qur'an

The Bible's Old Testament originates from the Torah, and is also considered holy by Muslims (apart from some details), and there are similar stories in all three but a large amount is different in each. There are many versions of the Bible, but only one version of the Qur'an (unless translations are counted). Muslims believe the Torah and Bible have been corrupted by time and translation, so the Qur'an is distributed in its original Arabic God revelation language; an old Arabic language. (like how Old English differs to modern English)

Commentary on Answer 1

1. In Islam and Judaism they believe in God as the one and only God. He is the same God considered by most Christians as manifested in three (Trinity) as father, son, and spirit.

2. The religions are developed by God and not Moses, Jesus, or Muhammad.

3. The Qur'an is revealed in Arabic language that is still the live language (not old language). We speak the same language currently at no change in neither words nor grammar.

Answer 2

Christianity is also monotheistic, though Christians distinguish there to be Three Persons in God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is Jesus Christ, Whose claims to divinity is believed and celebrated in the mainstream Christian religions.

Islam is monotheistic, but again differs from the above in the identity of God. Muslims call God, Allah and believe that Jesus Christ was one of the great prophets of Allah but certainly he was neither God nor divine.

Jesus Christ is therefore the proverbial stumbling-block between these three religions.

Commentary on Answer 2 aboveAllah is God in English and considered by some to be the same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism. God is written in the Arabic versions of the Bible as Allah.

Answer 3

From the point of view of Judaism, if Jesus Christ is not God, then those of the Jewish Faith are quite right to regard Christianity as a heretical offshoot from Judaism, and Islam in its turn would then become a heresy cobbled together from both Judaism and Christianity.

From the perspective of the Christian, Judaism rejected its own Messiah and is no longer within the covenant promised by God, for that covenant was fulfilled in Christ. Christianity is therefore the Old covenant fulfilled in the New and followers of Judaism are being stubborn and blind by following a dead religion. Christianity views Islam as a Judeo-Christian heresy.

For those worshipers of Islam, both Judaism and Christianity are corrupted religions who unwittingly hold fragments of the truth, but which yet disseminate lies against Allah and all justice. Islam was Allah's gift of truth to man after so much corruption and to Allah all peoples must submit through Islam.

Commentary on Answer 3

1. There are no worshipers of Islam. All Islamic religion followers are worshipers to God as the one and only one God with no partner.

2. Muslims never considered Christianity or Judaism are corrupted religions. They just consider that some alterations were introduced into the written texts of the Bible and Torah. In principle Muslims consider Jews and Christians peoples of the Book as they are holders of the holy books the Bible and the Torah that Muslims believe in as God holy books.

3. Islam is an authentic religion from Allah and not extractions from Christianity and/or Judaism. Otherwise how was God's holy book, the Quran correct for the alterations introduced into the Torah and Bible.

Answer 4

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the world's three major monotheistic religions, and fittingly, they all share many similar characteristics. But they have many key differences as well. Judaism is the oldest of the three, with its beginnings coming about 3,500 years ago.

The other two came from Judaism later on. The holy book of the Jewish people is the Tanach, which contains the Torah (also known as the Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im (Prophets), and K'tuvim (Writings). Moses was the prophet whom Jews consider to be the greatest of all. The largest Jewish population in the world is located in Israel, with large concentrations across the United States, especially in New York.

Christianity came about approximately 2,000 years ago, and holds to the belief that Jesus is the son of God and will come to Earth again someday. The main sects of Christianity are Catholicism and Protestantism, which both have many sects within themselves. The Holy Bible contains both the Old Testament (which was based on the Tanach) and the New Testament.

Islam was founded by the prophet Muhammad about 600 years after the birth of Christianity. The highest concentration of Muslims is in the Middle East and in Southwest Asia. The book of Islam is the Koran. Muslim's claim to believe in the Torah, but when it comes to the Holy Bible, they consider it corrupted.

Commentary on Answer 4

1. The oldest religion is Islam in its general sense as full submission to God (the Creator). In this understanding, it was the call of all prophets since Adam, ..., Noah, ..., Abraham, Isaac, Ismael, ..., Moses,..., Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace be upon them).

2. Under this umbrella of Islam, the religion per Torah revelation to Moses is called Judaism; per revelation of the Bible to Jesus is called Christianity; and per Quran revelation to Muhammad is called the same name Islam as it was the last religion from God.

3. Islam per God's Quran revelation to Muhammad is founded by God (or Allah) not by Muhammad. Muhammad, as all other prophets, was merely God's Messenger to convey God message per Quran, to mankind.

4. Muslims are spread allover the world. The highest majority are in Asia; in particular in south east Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India,...) and Middle East (Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Algeria,...).

Answer 5

Judaism practices many of the customs and honors the holy days that the Christian church has forgotten, such as Sukkot, Pesach (Passover), Hannukah, etc.

Christianity has the fundamental belief that Jesus was sent by God to save us from our sins and that he is our savior.

Islam welcomes the message of Jesus, but doesn't accept that he is divine, or should be called the Son of God.

Answer 6

Christianity = We have a loving God who forgives who has mercy. Jesus was sent to the earth to die on the cross for our sins.We have the only God who has risen from the dead.

Judaism = believes that man is born innocent and good and that no one can atone for the mistakes of others or for mistakes not yet made. Judaism also believes that human sacrifice is an abomination.

Answer 7

Judaism :

There is only One, Unique God who does not have any offspring and does not come to Earth in the form of a man, and who gave the Jews a Law to follow. God gave the Law only for the Jews. Only Isaac was included in the Covenant with Abraham.

Christianity: (what Paul taught, as opposed to what Jesus taught)

God came to Earth in the form of a man. The Laws of Judaism became unnecessary and were replaced by belief in Jesus as being the "Son of God" and, at the same time, God Himself. Religion became universal - for all the people. Jesus eventually returns as "God" or "Son of God".


There is only One, Unique God who does not have any offspring and does not come to earth in the form of a man. God gave the Jews a Law to follow but they did not do what He commanded them to do. So God sent Jesus as the Messiah (but not as a "son" of God). Jesus said that God would now take His Law that He gave to the Children of Israel, and give it to a "new nation". In other words, he foretold the coming of the Last prophet - Muhammad. Jesus returns as the Messiah - and declares that: 1) he never told people to worship him as a god, 2) he insisted that people follow the Law of Moses as the way to salvation, and, 3) he foretold the coming of Muhammad as the bringer of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Jesus then unites all the people under the Final Law of God.

Answer 8

All three religions stem from the same Prophet Abraham. Jews accept all the Prophets of the Torah but stop at Jesus. Christians accept all the Prophets of the Torah and accept Jesus but stop at Muhammad. Muslims accept all prophets of all religions and consider Muhammad to be the last Prophet of God. Islam teaches that Prophets can still come, but they must be subordinate and within the line of Islam. However, Islam is a universal religion for all people of all times. The Qur'an is a perfect book that has no doubt and no contradictions. It has been kept in the original form when it was revealed 1400 years ago.

Answer 9

Islam is different than Christianity and Judaism as follows:

  • Muslims believe that God is One while most Christians believe that God is three persons in one and most Jews believe that Aliazer is son of God.
  • Muslims believe that Muhammad is God's prophet and messenger while Christians and Jews don't believe Muhammad is God's prophet or messenger.
  • Muslims believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) is God's prophet and messenger while most Christians believe that Jesus is God and the Savior of humanity while Jews don;t believe that Jesus is prophet or son of God, or God.
  • Muslims believe that Jesus was lifted bodily to the heavens by God's miracle and was not crucified while Christians believe that Jesus was crucified. Jews don't believe in Jesus at all.
  • Muslims believe that Adam and Eve were forgiven by God (the Creator) while many Christians believe in the concept of original sin and its transfer to all generations. Jews have same belief as Christians in this regards.
  • Muslims believe that every one is responsible of his deeds in front of God in the Last Day of Judgment while Christians believe that the Christ will save them from their sins. Jews believe that they are forgiven by God from any sins they do.
  • Muslims believe in the Torah, Bible and the Qur'an as God's holy books (in addition to other holy scriptures revealed to Abraham, David, and other prophets) while Christians believe in the Torah and the Bible only and don't believe in the Qur'an. Jews don't believe in Quran or the Bible
  • Muslims weekly religious holiday is Friday and is allowed to work on Fridays, per their choice, while Christians have Sunday as their weekly religious holiday and they are not recommended to work on Sundays. Jews have Saturday as their weekly religious holiday and they are not recommended to work on Saturdays.
  • Muslims don't believe that God took rest on the 7th day after universe creation in 6 days (as God creation of anything is by just 'be' then 'it is' and God never feel tired) while Christians and Jews believe that on the 7th day, after universe creation in 6 days, God took rest.

It is to be highlighted that the three religions are different only in some faith issues that are regarding the relationship between yourself and your God. This is a matter to be resolved by God on the Day of Judgment. However, both religions are quite similar in all issues regarding relationships among all people. In reality, there are no differences between the three religions regarding the way that people of different religions should treat each other and deal with each other. This, logically and spiritually, calls all people to live together in love, peace, and harmony regardless their different religions or beliefs.

The followers of the three religions worship same God (Allah in Arabic). The followers of the three religions believe in prophets Noah, Abraham, and Moses.

Another View:

In reality, there really is no similarity to best describe the Judeo-Christian beliefs of God to the Muslim Islamic belief.

Judaism and Christianity have the Old Testament in common. Islam believes both OT and NT have been partially corrupted in transmission while the Koran is believed by Muslims to be the final and infallible revelation of God's will.

Though Muslims believe in God which they call Allah, Islam teaches that Allah is all-powerful, sovereign and 'unknowable' while Judaism and Christianity both teach the Creator God to be revealed as merciful, compassionate and knowable (see Jeremiah 9:24 and John 17:3).

The Christian text teaches the God of the Old Testament was the Word and it was He who Abraham and the other patriarchs and prophets worshiped. Islam teaches the Word, aka Jesus 'as one of perhaps 124,000 messengers of prophets Allah has sent and is one of the 25 listed in the Koran - but He is not the redeemer' (Marvin Olasky, "Islam vs. Liberty," World, Sept 10, 2011).

All in all, there are more differences and conflicts between the Judeo-Christian texts and the Muslim text, as well as the Koran conflicts with secular history.

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The main difference on how the three religions view Jesus:

  • Judaism: Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah; the Messiah is one who brings peace to the earth (this has not happened yet!). Jews don't believe in Jesus divinity and don't believe in the Trinity.
  • Islam: Muslims view Jesus as one of the five greatest prophets (Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad). They believe that he was not crucified but raised up bodily to the Heavens. they believe that he is the Messiah and that he will descend again to earth to bring peace. Muslims don't believe in the divinity of Jesus (peace be upon him) and don't believe in the Trinity..
  • Christianity: Most Christians believe that Jesus is God or son of God. Christians believe in the Trinity, which is the Father, the Spirit and the Son all the three in one!!
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11y ago

This is one of those questions for which it could be said, one of these things is not like the others. Buddhism is very different from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Those three religions are all derived from the same original text known as the Torah to Jews and the Old Testament to Christians; they all worship the same God although by different names, and have similar theology. There are actually only two fundamental theological differences between Judaism and Christianity. One of them concerns the Messiah: Jews are awaiting his arrival, while Christians believe He has already come, and died, and was resurrected, and has gone to Heaven, and will come a second time. The other big difference is that Christianity has a trinity. Note also that Judaism originated as a tribal religion and it is intended for people who are descended from Jews; no effort is made to convert anyone to Judaism (although conversion is possible and does sometimes happen); whereas Christianity is intended to be a universal religion and it has very aggressively sought to convert anyone and everyone. Islam accepts (in a general way) the premises of Judaism and Christianity and then adds to them the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, collected in a book called the Qur'an. Perhaps the most unique aspect of Islam is the veneration of a rock known as the Kaaba, which they believe to have fallen from Heaven, which predates the Muslim religion and is located in the Grand Mosque in Mecca. All Muslims have a religious obligation to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lives, if they possibly can. Muslims face Mecca when they pray.Buddhism is a religion which has a great deal in common with Hinduism, such as the belief in reincarnation, and was originally introduced as an effort to reform the Hindu religion. The objective of Buddhism is not to worship any deity, but to seek spiritual enlightenment.

Note that each of these four religions exists in a variety of different sects, which have different beliefs and practices. So the actual comparison is much more complicated if we get into all the details. But I won't.
It is important to highlight the following points as related to Islam religion as comments on what is mentioned above.

  • Islam followers (or Muslims) believe in Torah and The Bible as God holy books in addition to the Quran while both Christians and Jews don;t believe in Quran as God holy book
  • Muslims believe in prophets Jesus and Moses as God prophets while most of Jews and Christians don't believe in Muhammad as a God prophet. Jews don't believe also in Jesus as God prophet or son of God. Most Christians believe in Jesus as God or son of God.
  • Quran is God holy book revealed to prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (or Jibril) and is not a text edited or authored by Prophet Muhammad.
  • Refer to questions below for more information
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Judaism is a branch of the Hebrew religion that was continued by the decendents of Judah, one of Jacob's sons. Their scriptures include the Tanakh, which the Christians call the Old Testament. Judaism has other holy writings such as the Talmud and the Zohar. Christianity is the religion started by Jesus and his followers. The main scripture is the Bible, which includes the Tanakh but also includes what the Christians call the New Testament. Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Muslims believe that Mohammad was God's final and most important prophet. The Muslim holy book is called the Koran.

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8y ago

In reality, there are many between the Judeo-Christian beliefs of God to the Muslim Islamic belief.

Judaism and Christianity have the Old Testament in common. Islam believes both OT and NT have been partially corrupted in transmission while the Koran is believed by Muslims to be the final and infallible revelation of God's will.

Though Muslims believe in God which they call Allah, Islam teaches that Allah is all-powerful, sovereign and 'unknowable' while Judaism and Christianity both teach the Creator God to be revealed as merciful, compassionate and knowable (see Jeremiah 9:24 and John 17:3).

The Christian text teaches the God of the Old Testament was the Word and it was He who Abraham and the other patriarchs and prophets worshiped. Islam teaches the Word, aka Jesus 'as one of perhaps 124,000 messengers of prophets Allah has sent and is one of the 25 listed in the Koran - but He is not the redeemer' (Marvin Olasky, "Islam vs. Liberty," World, Sept 10, 2011).

All in all, there are more differences and conflicts between the Judeo-Christian texts and the Muslim text, as well as the Koranic conflicts with secular history.

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Muhammad is deified in Islam, Jesus is deified in Christianity,

and nobody is deified in Judaism.

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