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1. Iwo Jima-The bloodiest and biggest battle in US Marine Corps history. 2. Okinawa-The highest ranking US Military officer killed by enemy action in WWII: LT GEN Simon Buckner, US Army. 3. Savo Island-The worst defeat (during a sea battle) in US Naval history. 4. Coral Sea-Histories first clash of aircraft carrier fleets.

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National Pride dictates that each nation (country) will naturally choose THEIR area for the greatest battleground. According to the British: The Battle of Waterloo (located in Belgium) is most likely the greatest battleground. It was England's Wellington that defeated France's Napoleon there. According to the Soviets (Russians): The Battle of Stalingrad (located in Russia); It is considered one of history's bloodiest battles. According to the United States: The Battle of Gettysburg (located in Pennsylvania). It was considered a turning point during the US Civil War. The World's Greatest "Sea Battles" appear to be abit more objective (no favoritism shown); possibly because only certain nations capable of constructing & utilizing large man made machines (warships) can participate in those types of battles. Any large group of men armed with farming tools (such as pitch forks, etc) can fight battles; such as happened during medieval times. But it takes more than just a gathering of men to fight upon the water. Fighting on water necessitates the use of man made machines (SHIPS). Most of the world's historians agree that some of the greatest "sea" battles ever fought were: Trafalgar 1805-A decisive action in which England defeated the combined French/Spanish fleet off the coast of Spain. Tsushima 1905-A decisive action in which Japan defeated the Russian fleet off the coast of Korea, in the Tsushima Straits; and the ONLY decisive sea battle ever fought by steel battleship FLEETS. Leyte Gulf 1944-A decisive action in which the US defeated the Japanese fleet near the Philippine Islands, and which is the largest naval battle ever fought. Leyte Gulf was also the battle in which the "Kamikaze" made their first official appearance; and was the LAST naval battle in history in which battleships fought battleships. Some really significant sea battles: Modern: Midway 1942 (turning point of the war against Japan) Mediaeval: Lepanto 1571 (turning point between Western Europe and Ottoman Empire); Dunkirk 1588 (preserved the independance of England from the Spanish invasion). Ancient: Salamis 480 BCE (wrecked Persian invasion of Greece); Aegates Islands 241 BCE (established supremacy of Rome in the Mediterranean); Actium 31 BCE (consolidated Roman supremacy).

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battle of the bulge, the battle for Stalingrad, storming of normady (Omaha and Utah beach)

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Q: What are the most famous World War 2 battlegrounds?
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Which World War 2 concentration camp did Russia liberate?

The most famous was Auschwitz.

What is the most famous trench warfare battle in world war 1?

Second battle of the Marne

Who was a famous Japanese soldier in World War 2?

Admiral Yamamoto was probably the most famous Japanese military figure, but he was a sailor, not a soldier.

What was the name of the british air crafts?

If you mean during World War 2, the most famous fighter aircraft were the Spitfire and Hurricane and the most famous bombers were the Lancaster and Wellington.

Who is the girl that was MOST famous in the war?

you are not be specific about which war.

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