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To flee religious persecution. They were adventurous. Possibility of making a better life. I think in Europe there were class systems that determined how high you could go in society. In the colonies it was possible to become a self made man.

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Q: What are the social reasons why people came to the 13 colonies?
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Why people came to the colonies?

relgious reasons

What are the reasons people came to the colonies?

People came to the colonies to begin new lives in a place where there was freedom from oppression and freedom to pursue one's chosen religion. They also came to the colonies to avoid taxation and to try to move ahead in their class status.

Why did people come to the New England colonies?

Most people in the New England colonies came to America for freedom of religion. Some also had economic reasons.

What was the reasons why the Southern colonies were founded?

The early settlers settled in the southern colonies since there many riches associated with these colonies. One of the man cash crops in the area was tobacco and the settlers came here for economic gains.

What are the three reasons Eropeans came to the American colonies?

god, glory, gold

Why did Somalian people move to America?

Some came to the Americas as explorers. Other groups of colonists came to America searching for the right to practice their religion without persecution. Many of the other immigrants to the American colonies came for reasons that were economic.

How long have Muslims lived in America?

Many came to the colonies for the same reasons others came. People of ALL faiths came to the colonies and people of many countries came as well. A person who is a Muslim is NOT always from the Middle East and can be a person who is an American with 200 years of ancestors in the United States. To discriminate against someone because of religious affiliation is against the constitution and the basic values of this country.

What are the social reasons for settlement in the 13 colonies?

Each colony had a different reason to start. The Jamestown settlement in 1607 was to find gold ( there was no gold) and they were sent there by the London Company. Pennsylvania was begun by the Quakers that came with William Penn from London. Plymouth, Mass was begun by the Piligrams seeking a means to worship beyond the Church of England. So, as you can see there were many reasons why people came to the colonies. New York began as a Dutch settlement and was taken by the Duke of York as a British colony. Each colony has it's own story and reason.

What kind of people settled the french colonies?

Usually people of many different religions came to french colonies.

Which statement is best described by the phrases in the box below?

reasons English settlers came to colonies in America

Reasons colonists came to america?

Easy way to remember the reasons just remember this sentence:Go To War Never Retreat PleaseG goldT trade with IndiaW water route to IndiaN national resourcesR religious freedomP protection from Spanish attacks

What people came to the southern colonies?

the people that were in the southern colonies were the puritans and also the Quakers and they got along very well.