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After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles laid the blame for the war for must part all on Germany even though they weren't the first nation in Europe to declare war. The terms of the treaty stated as follows: They would lose the territory of Alsace-Lorraine to France They would lose the territory of Eupen and Malmedy to Belgium They would lose the territory of Northern Schleswig to Denmark They would lose the territory of Hultschin to Czechoslovakia They would lose the territory of West Prussia, Posen and Upper Silesia to Poland Saar, Danzig, Memel and all of its overseas colonies were placed under the control of the League of Nations but the people in the Saar, Danzig and Memel were allowed a vote in the future if they wanted to remain a part of Germany in the future. They had to give the territory they gained from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk back to Russia. Some of the land taken from Germany was formed into new countries such as Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia and Poland's territory was increased. The German Army was reduced to 100,000 men and they were not allowed any tanks or aircraft, they were limited to 6 capital naval ships with no submarines. And the West Rhineland and 50km East of the Rhineland was marked a demilitarized zone but the Allies were to keep an army there for 15 years. Germany was not allowed to unite with Austria to improve the economy and they had to pay back reparations that of 6,600 million British Pounds which was well beyond Germany's capacity to pay.

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Q: What did the treaty of Versailles say about Who was to blame for the war How much Germany had to pay in compensation?
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