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press-ups, lifting weights

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Q: What exercise helps the muscles in your chest grow the fastest?
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What exercise helps our muscles?


What is work out exercises?

work out exercise , an exercise that helps our muscles become stronger and bigger..

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Aerobic exercise. Anerobic just builds uo your muscles.

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Using an exercise ball helps loosen the muscles and bones around the pelvis. This helps when delivering a baby, and there are many different exercise options using an exercise ball.

What is the benefits of trunk-lift exercise?

The trunk lift exercise helps to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. This exercise is also good for your hips and makes it stronger.

What uses does potassium have?

its used in the body as an 'electrolyte' it helps the muscles from cramping during intense exercise.

What is a elliptical exercise machine?

An elliptical is an exercise machine that helps you to get the benefits of walking, running or stair-climbing but is easier on your joints than those activities. It helps to build up your leg muscles.

What is a eight letter word that starts with a e and ends with an e that helps muscles and bones grow?


What kind of exercise are push ups an example of?

push ups are when you look at the ground and thrust your hips toward it . usually putting a picture of someone you idol helps with your confidence and motivation. hope this answered your question JH and BG

How do you have a less chance of arthritis if you exercise?

Exercise will not reduce your chance of getting arthritis. You either have it or you don't. However exercise and strong muscles will reduce stress on the joints affected by arthritis and as a result alleviate the pain that so often comes with it.