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The Bill of Rights - brought to us courtesy of the so called Anti-Federalist.

When one thinks about all the wonderful safeties and the flexibilities that were built into the full document that we know as the constitution, all of the best and brightest that we love, tend to come from the Bill of rights. So, when you are thanking the forefathers for the rights you hold near and dear, it is not the ones you think.

It is not the guys whose portraits you see on your money, like Washington, Franklin, Hamilton and Madison, these famous Federalist are responsible for the boring belabored body of the constitution.

When enjoying your personal freedoms, give thanks to the likes of George Mason, Richard Henry Lee, Judge William West, George Clinton (no, not the P-Funk Parliament-Funkadelic Singer) and Samual Adams (yes, that is "Sam the maltster" a beer making guy that you may recognize from your beer label), in addition to the recognizable statesman, Patrick Henry.

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Q: What in the constitution made the anti federalists happy?
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Why did the anti federalist agree to the ratification of the constitution?

Because they brought the Bill of Rights into it which made them happy and they agreed to ratify it.

What strategies made the federalist arguments of the constitution successful?

promise of a bill of rights and compromise with anti-federalists

How were the anti- federalists concerns addressed to win their support?

The anti-federalists were concerned that the federal government would have too much power over the states. The solution was to give the federal government some specific powers and to reserve the rest of the powers to the states.

How did the federalist respond to concerns from the antifederalists?

Answer on E2020:The Federalists created a system of checks and balances in the government. This system limited the power of the various branches of government so that one branch could not take all the power and become tyrannical. Each branch was also able to 'check' the powers of the other branches, so that no branch could act alone.

How did the bill of rights resolve the ratification of the constitution?

The original idea was that since most states have their own Bill of Rights, they would not need to include one in the Constitution. However, to help appeal to other states so the Founding Fathers could get everyone to approve of it, they decided to add them as amendments, or formal changes to the constitution. 12 were proposed, but only 10 were passed. They resolved the issue by including these 10 amendments as the Bill of Rights.

Related questions

Why did the anti federalists object to the proposed constitution?

The anti-federalists opposed the constitution because they felt it made the government too Why_did_the_anti_federalists_object_to_the_proposed_constitution. Anti-federalists feared that the government would become tyrannical. Their opposition to the constitution ultimately lead to the creation of the Bill of Rights. This is the reason why the anti-federalists opposed the constitution.

Why did the anti federalist agree to the ratification of the constitution?

Because they brought the Bill of Rights into it which made them happy and they agreed to ratify it.

What was the compromise made between federalists and anti federalists to ratify the constitution in 1788?

The Federalists compromised and agreed to add the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments), which was ratified in 1791.

Although the Anti-federalists lost their main goal what important task did they accompolish?

The anti-federalists made many accomplishments. This group made it possible for a liberal interpretation of the Constitution, they established government traditions which allowed for federal fiscal integrity and credit worthiness for the country, and they made it possible for the US Constitution to be amended as needed throughout the history of the country.

What was the difference between the Federalists' and anti-federalists' positions on the new constitution?

The Federalists, who wanted strong government, were reluctant to add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution. They said that the rights of American people were already made known in the body of the constitution. The Anti-Federalists, who wanted strong local and state governments, wanted the rights of Americans explicitly listed so they could not be changed, challenged, or argued.

What strategies made the federalist arguments of the constitution successful?

promise of a bill of rights and compromise with anti-federalists

Why did the anti-federalist oppose the constitution?

The anti-federalists objected the constitution because they thought it made the central government too strong and feared that the US would become a monarchy.

Who was against the Constitution when it was written?

The Federalists supported the constitution and the antifederalist were against it.

How did the federalist respond to the criticism of the constitution made by the anti-federalist?

The Federalists made a comprimise to issue a Bill of Rights into the Constitution to get enough support for the Constitution to be ratified. They agreed that when the first Congress was held, it would draft a Bill of Rights. The argument was a win for the Anti-Federalists. It was an important addition to the Constitution and has been a great importance in the protection of the basic rights of the American people.

What is the major objection to the constitution by anti-federalist?

Some Anti--Federalists opposed the Constitution because they felt a stronger government would essentially be a pseudo-monarchic power and reduce the power of states, localities, and individuals. Anti-Federalists also felt the Constitution made government too centralized.

What document was added to the original constitution that made it acceptable to the anti federalists?

Bill of Rights. First 10 amendments. The Bill of Rights

How did the federalists convince the anti federalists to ratify the United states constitution?

The Federalists published a set of essays known as the Federalist Papers that strongly supported the Constitution. The deed that made the Anti-Federalists finally support the Constitution was the promise of the addition of a Bill of Rights, as seen in the Constitution today.