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it was that Mussolini had a thing wiv other countrys. init.

Ye bruv cheers for dis answer i got a D best grade in ma class bless.

Mussolini wanted to make Italy into a renowned superpower - rich, resourceful, with a super army so that she could get hold of more resources. He wanted her to be feared, respected etc,,

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The domestic policies consist of both social, economical and political policies.

1. economical: is to achieve self-suffeciency (autakry) by e.g setting high tarrifs on grain imports. this is called the Battle of Grain (1925). Mussolini wanted Italy to be self- suffecient in wheat production. So, beside the high tarrifs he also gave financial incentives to the farmers to change agriculture production to only Wheat.

results of this = the wheat production doubled (1925-38). As the grain imports fell by 75%. (ie autakry achieved). However, this damaged some areas for instance the South where their soil didnt fit for wheat production. Also wine, olive oil exports fell heavly.

2. Social: e.g the Battle of birth (1927) - Mussolini aim was to increase the Italian population till 1940. From 37 million to 60 million. This was achieved through massive Propaganda and through youth organization (educationing the young people of the traditional roles of women and men in the society). Moreover, Mussolini also gave medals to mother who gave birth, and familes with more than 10 children were free from income taxes. There were high taxes on bachelors. then a law was set up forbidding contraceptions, abortion and sterilisation.

results of this = failure (as usual :P) the population increased to 44 million in 1940 (and this happened due to the sligh falling in the rate of death) and falling in emmigration rates (as only 11.500 people emmigrated to the USA in 1930s). While in 1911 233, 000 people did travel and escape to USA.

3. Political: (you can take the simple one, where Mussolini banned his rivarly the Socialists) or his improving relations with the Vatica, it started in 1923, with Mussolini introducing religious education as a compulsory in schools. this did improve relations, as he later met with the Vaticans secretary. (gained the people popularity). Also, later on 1929 when he signed the lateran Treaty with the Catholic Church (that they can form their own youth organizations, with no political involvement). Here, he changed the facist ideology and aim of creating a full Dictatorship (one-single party state) into the aim of creating and solving the "Roman Question" ie create a new Roman Empire. (he did this, just to gain the support of the powerful Catholic Church). But later. the relation deteriotated as Mussolini introduced Anti-semitic law (1938). The Church was against it. But they were ok with Mussolini invading Abyssinia (1935-36)

As for the Foreign policy:

carefully Expanding in the 1920s. when the world was busy with their problems after WWI and the Wall street crash (1929). Mussolini resotring order and security for Italy in Europe, by e.g getting involved in the Locarno Treaty 1925. the Kellog-Brand (1928). Also, some of his actions were aggressive: e.g. the Corfu Crisis (1923) or the gaining of Fuime from Yugoslavia (1924). Turned Albania into his satellite state in 1926.

^__^Hope this help

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Q: What is one foreign and domestic policy of fascist Italy?
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