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Judaism was the first of the Abrahamic religions to develop and was the first major monotheistic religion in the world. Christianity came around 33AD and Islam came some 600 years after Christianity.

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1) According to careful research, the original tradition, which was widespread, was monotheistic. However, it died out completely in a relatively brief span of time. This belief does not refer to a specific people, region, or named religion, since it was not centralized or organized.
2a) The first continuous monotheistic tradition and religion as we know it, was and is Judaism, the tradition founded by Abraham. It began 3800 years ago in the Middle East, and its founding principle is that God is One. This was well before the Egyptian king Akhenaten, who in any case (according to tradition) was influenced by Israelite beliefs.

2b) Some might claim that monotheistic Judaism started later, as (for example) King Josiah made reforms in the late First Temple period. However, this is the view of secular academe, and flies in the face of tradition. Judaism had already been monotheistic for eight centuries by the time of Josiah. All he did was to eradicate the traces of the idolatrous influences of those Jews who had strayed from their own religion. This had happened repeatedly (such as with Jehoshaphat [2 Chronicles 17:6], and Samuel before him [1 Samuel 7:3-4]); and those who strayed into pagan practices never encompassed the entire people.

3) Zoroastrianism, which might be suggested as another early contender, is not such a clear matter. There is no consensus on when Zoroaster lived. Moreover, the Zoroastrians believed in two gods, not one. The Jewish Sages who redacted the Talmud in the early centuries of the Common Era lived in Babylonia, witnessed the practices of the Zoroastrians, and recorded this fact (Talmud, Sanhedrin 39a). In addition, in Zoroastrianism:

  • there is worship through intermediaries, who are themselves "worthy of worship"
  • evil and good each has its own creator
  • some of its adherents believe in a self-creating universe
  • some modern scholars see it as a form of pantheism.
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Zoroastrianism spread from southern Russia into eastern Iran, then to western Iran, shortly before the Jewish Babylonian Exile. After the sixth-century-BCE Persian conquest of of Babylon, it became the dominant religion of Babylon, but did not spread widely in the western areas of the Persian Empire.

At the same time, Jewish religion was becoming monolatrous and eventually, probably early in the Babylonian Exile, monotheistic. After the Return to Jerusalem, many of the Jews remained in Babylon, adding to the diaspora that already existed in Egypt. Judaism soon become a minority religion throughout the entire Middle East. Both Zoroastrianism and Judaism could be regarded as contenders for the first monotheistic religion to spread in the Middle East.

Another contender would certainly be Christianity. Although its spread was much later than Zoroastrianism or Judaism, it did become the dominant religion throughout the entire Middle East except the Arabian Peninsular, where it nevertheless had a visible presence by the time of Muhammad.

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Q: What was the first monotheistic religion to spread in the Middle East?
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Was ancient Mesopotamia monotheistic?

Yes, it was monotheistic but was first polytheistic due to changes of culture

What type of routes did Islam first spread along in the Arabian Peninsula?

Islam first spread along TRADE ROUTES since merchants could often bring the religion to places too far away to effectively conquer.

What was the first monotheistic religion?

Zoroastrianism was the first monotheistic religion, believed to have been founded in southern Russia around 1700-2000 BCE. Akhenaten, pharaoh of Egypt from about 1353 to 1336 BCE, also introduced a monotheistic religion, but it did not last beyond his death. Monotheistic Judaism was introduced by King Josiah of Judah during the seventh century BCE. Answer 2: The first monotheistic religion was Judaism, from Abraham onward. For Jews, that is a religious truth and is stated by Maimonides based on the Torah and tradition. There is no consensus on when Zoroaster lived. Also, the Talmud (Sanhedrin 39a) states that Zoroastrianism has two gods. Answer 3 The oldest monotheistic religion was Atenism, the ancient Egyptian sun worshipping cult. It was propagated by the pharaoh Akhenaten in 1346 BC. The sun god Aten was worshiped as early as 2000 BC, but it is unlikely to have had monotheistic followers long before Akhenaten. Judaism is indeed old, perhaps older than Atenism, but it was not monotheistic until 587 BC, when Solomon's temple was destroyed, and the Jews were exiled. It was a monolatrist religion prior to that, meaning they only worshiped one god, but they recognized the existence of other gods (mainly Babylonian deities). Islam claims to be the oldest monotheism, but hardly any historians or archaeologists agree. Answer 4 The oldest monotheistic religion still in existence today is Judaism. Zoroastrianism is unlikely to be older than Judaism, but it might be older than the monotheistic phase of Judaism. However, Zoroastrianism is by most standards a duotheism. Answer 5 Judaism, the oldest of the monotheistic religions, is 3,500 years old.

Where was the first civilization?

Mycenians, AssyrianThe first civilization was Mesopotamia in the Middle East, between two rivers: the Tigris, and the Euphrates.

Which countries did Islam first spread in during the Middle Ages?

Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.

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Did Assyrians establish the first monotheistic religion?

AnswerNo. The Assyrians were polytheistic. The first monotheistic religion is believed to be Zoroastrianism, which began in southern Russia at least 1700 and possibly around 2000 BCE, and spread first to eastern Iran and eventually to Persia.

Where did monotheisticreligions develop and spread?

Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.Monotheistic religions developed in the middle east and spread from there. The first major monotheistic cult was that of Aten, worshiped by Akhenaten and Nefertiti, followed by Judaism, which in turn was followed by Christianity and then came Islam.

Who created the first monotheistic Religion?

Zarathushtra (Greek: Zoroaster) probably created the first monotheistic religion, around 1700 to 2000 BCE. Thislong predated the shortlived monotheistic religion of Egypt and the eventual monotheistic Judaism of Judah.

Who created the monotheistic religion?

The Hebrews were the ones who created or the first to create the monotheistic religion.

Judaism is the first of what type of religion?


Many regard Zoroastrianism as the first religion in the world?

Monotheistic religion.

What was the worlds first ethical monotheistic religion?


Were the judasim monothestic or polytheistic?

Judaism was the first monotheistic religion.

What is unique about judaism flourished?

it is the first and oldest monotheistic religion

Can you describe any origins and significance of Judaism as the first monotheistic religion based on the concept of one God who sets down moral laws for humanity?

No. Judaism was not the first monotheistic religion.

What changes did Akhenaton make to Egypt's religion?

He converted to a monotheistic (one God) system. Probably the first monotheistic system in the world.

How many deities are worshiped in Judaism?

Dictionaries define "Judaism" as The monotheistic religion of the Jews, since the founding principle of Judaism was and is the belief in One God, creator of the universe. This was the teaching which was spread by Abraham, and has continued since then. From Judaism, belief in One God has spread through the Western world.Link: A biography of Abraham