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There was no treaty ending the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The UN Security Council passed cease fire resolution 338 [which actually didnt work & so was followed by resolution 339] in '73. Finally, in 1978 U.S. President Jimmy Carter persuaded Israel and Egypt to meet on U. S. soil at Camp David for a 12-day secret conference. This historic meeting resulted in the leaders of both countries to sign what are known as the Camp David Accords. Not a treaty, the Accords were more of an aggreement for peace and intention to ultimately sign a peace treaty. Many people all over the world were upset about the Accord. The Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty was signed in 1979. Of much significance is that is previously no Arab country had acknowledged Israel. Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize the Jewish state of Israel. Later, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat actually visited Israel which was quite extraordinary.

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Q: What was the name of the treaty ending the 1973 between Israel and Egypt?
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When was treaty of peace between Egypt and Israel?

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Carter negotiated the Camp David Accords, a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel at the Presidential Vacation home. Harding signed the treaty ending World War 1 on the golf course, but I don't think he was on vacation.

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With the understanding that the Camp David negotiations concerned Jimmy Carter and the two prime ministers of Egypt and Israel, the result was a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

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It was called the Camp David Accords of 1979. The basic terms of the treaty were that Israel would withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula in phases until 1982 and return it to Egypt. Egypt, in turn, would recognize the State of Israel and maintain the Sinai Peninsula as a demilitarized zone.

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Egypt and Israel are not good allies as such, may be technically because Egypt is well aware that Israel is there to stay, but they do recognize each other after the signing of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty in 1979.

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Israel signed a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979 and with Jordan in 1994.

Int he camp david accords president carter presided over?

A treaty that normalize relations between Egypt and Israel

Which countries have peace treaties with Israel?

Egypt has a peace treaty with Israel dating back to 26th of March 1979. It was signed between Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin. Jordan has a peace treaty with Israel dating back to October 26, 1994. It was signed between AAbdul Salam Majali and Yitzhak Rabin.

How did Carter outdo previous administrations?

Some foreign policy achievements were noteworthy - the Panama Canal treaties, peace treaty between Egypt and Israel and the SALT II treaty with the USSR.