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No. Your body prefers to burn the macronutrients in the following order: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Therefore, if you have carbohydrates available in your bloodstream when you do cardio that is what you will burn first. When digested, all carbohydrates become sugar. This is why (if you are using cardio to lose body fat) the best time to do it is before breakfast when you have been fasting overnight. As your body depletes the glucose in your bloodstream after about 20 minutes, it will turn to burning fat, which is what you want.

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Q: When doing cardio do you burn muscle before fat?
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How do you burn fat by an exercise?

I'd recommend just doing cardio.

If a girl works out with weights instead of aerobic exercise will she get faster results and turn body fat into muscle?

It is best for everyone to do weights and cardio work outs. Aerobics are cardio, that will help the heart and to burn fat. Weights will help with muscle grownth and strength. you cant turn fat into muscle but you can loose fat and gain muscle. you will burn more callories outside of the gym with more muscle mass and you should use both weights and weight training together to get great bennifits. weights are great for the bones, muscles and look of your body, Cardio is great for your heart, lung efficiency and metabolism. you could end your weight workout with 30 minutes on some aerobic activity, or do weights one day and cardio the next. YOU CAN NOT TURN BODY FAT INTO MUSCLE! THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF TISSUE!!! the trick is... build muscle and do cardio.... when u build muscle, the muscle needs more calories, therefor, when your doing cardio, your burning more calories. so when ur building muscle, ur metabolism is much higher. but do not ONLY do muscle work, if u do, u will just have muscle under the fat.... combine it with cardio! and of course eat healthy...:)

When does your stomach burn fat and when does it burn muscle?

Your stomach doesn't burn fat. Your body does. If you mean when does your body burn fat, it's simple. When there is cortisol in your system from a stressful workout and your muscle mass is being used and maintained, you will burn fat. If cortisol is released but your muscles aren't being used much as in steady state cardio, muscle will be burned. Focus on short, intense workouts and use your muscles rather than steady, boring cardio. This will make you fat and weak.

How can you burn fat quickly?

by working out, more specifically by doing cardio-vascular type workouts.

How many calories would you burn doing one pushup if you weigh 103lbs?

lol this is like an impossible answer. If your looking to burn calories, you need to do cardio (run, bike, walk ever) something that will build a gradual burn rather than deplete muscles. If your looking to build some muscle, then do some pushups.

How many calories do you burn doing cardio exercise for an hour?

That depends upon your your degree of cardiovascular fitness, your weight, your age, your body composition and what cardio exercise you choose.

If you lift weights or dumbbells will it burn calories?

If you do it properly, it certainly will. Unlike cardio exercise that burns extra calories only during and immediately after exercise, if you do proper strength training you will increase your lean muscle mass, and doing that will cause you to burn more calories 24 hours a day.

How do you lose fat and maintain muscle?

Mainly do cardio to lose fat but maintain muscle, bare in mind that doing only cardio will eventually lead your body not doing enough resistance training and to much endurance so you get the long distance runner look and you muscle definition will deminish. So you need to add resistance to your cardio by doing weights. weights will tear muscle fibers and when you rest your body will make these torn fibers bigger and stronger to cope with the load your lifting, doing little weights (40% of what you can lift only once) but lots of reps (30-50+) give toned look were as heavy weights (70% of what you can lift only once) but little reps (about 8-15 reps) will build muscle. On a side note the more muscle you have the more energy you burn as it increases your motabolism, eat the right amount of protein to maintain your muscle growth too.

What cardio exercise is the stongest fat burner?

The best cardio/fat burning excersises are swimming, jump rope and running. Anything that gets your heart pumping is a great fat burner.

What should you do first cardio or weight lifting to burn more calories?

cardio gets rid of more calories, weight lifting defines and builds muscle. it only slightly gets rid of calories.

When should start lifting weigts you were 260 pound 2 weeks ago and now you are 251should you stay with cardio or start lifting weigts?

This would depend on your aim. If your are looking to loose weight I would suggest supplementing your cardio workouts with weight training, performing the weight training before the cardio as this will use up glycogen so you burn more fat during the cardio. Also it will increase your muscle mass, which will increase your metabolism, the rate that you burn energy. Also try going for a walk/run first thing in the morning, before breakfast as your glycogen stores should be empty so you will burn more fat than if you do cardio any other time of the day.