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Q: Where was the president at the time the US Constitution was signed?
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Related questions

How many people were president before the constitution?

None. Until 1789 there was no US government and that is when the constitution was signed and Washington became President.

Did Andrew Jackson sing the constitution of the US?

Jackson did not sign the constitution. 35 delegates signed the Constitution in 1787, and Jackson was not one of them (he was born in 1767, and came from humble origins, and at that time was not president).

How many individuals signed the Constitution?

39 delegates signed the US Constitution.

What President signed the US Constitution but never attended college?

Washington There were several US Presidents who were not able to attend a college for obvious reasons. There can only be one who signed the US Constitution, and that would be the First President of the United States, George Washington. Find out who the others are.

What delegates that signed the constitution went on to become president of the US?

casey and Mackenzie are the freaking bomb! fo shoooooo

Who was president when constitution signed?

There wasn't a President until after the US Constitution was signed. The Articles of Confederation ... what made the United States "united" ... did not really regard the United States as a nation in its own right, and did not provide for much in the way of leadership. Before the Constitution, the US could best be regarded as a sort of weak alliance of independent sovereign states.

What year was the US Constitution sign?

The US Constitution was signed in 1787

When did Alexander Hamilton sign the US Constitution?

When he signed the US Constitution

Who were the only two presidents to sign the US Constitution?

George Washington and James Madison signed the Constitution.

How many delegates at the constitutional convention signed the US constitution?

55 signed the constitution.

What individuals signed the US Constitution?

my social teacher signed it

When did Alexander Hamilton sign the constitution?

When he signed the US Constitution