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the name of the program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France, and other Allied nations with war materiel between 1941 and 1945

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Q: Which German actions helped shift US public opinion toward supporting the allies in the war?
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What events changed Americans opinions about supporting the allies?

The events that changed America`s opinion about supporting the Allies in WW1 was when the Allies sunk the Lusitania and many other U.S. tankers and when the allies sent a telegram to Mexico telling them that if America entered the war and Mexico attacked America then they would receive a piece of America [that is if it was defeated]

How did German actions push the us to join World War 1 on the side of the Allies?

Because of the sinking of 12 American merchant ships

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The German Allies surrenedered because they want peace, and then the allies killed them all.

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How did the central powers and allies try to influence American public opinion

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The invention of radar helped the Allies to locate and sink the German U Boats.

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The Allies overwhelmed German defensive fortifications ; the Allies .

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Because the allies were allied with France

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On the allies

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What causes the US to join the Allies in fighting World War 1?

yo face

What was President Woodrow Wilson opinion about the German people?

He thought that Germany was a powerful country. But ever since the unrestricted submarine warfare they have wanted to bring in other allies. Brought to the alliance system.