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"Controlled" is an unclear term. The British had two forms of colonial possession in the Middle East: the Mandate and the Protectorate. The Mandate has more direct British official leadership such as a local governate, but the intent is to ready the local people for self-determination. The Protectorate was the British defense and foreign policy management for a de-jureindependent sovereign.

British Mandates: Palestine (which would become Israel and Palestine), Transjordan (which would become Jordan), and Iraq.

British Protectorates: Egypt, Trucial States (which would become the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain), Oman, Aden Protectorate (which would become South Yemen and later unify with North Yemen to create Yemen), and Kuwait.

The British also had a sphere of influence in southwest Iran.

French Mandates: Lebanon, Syria, and Alexandretta (which would be annexed by Turkey in 1939 as Hatay Province).

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