

Who discovered corn?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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13y ago

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Corn was first grown by Native Americans of the Southwest and it was used a food as well as a religious object. Eastern tribes also used corn as a food. The wonderful thing about corn is that it can be used in many ways and the seeds can be saved for the next year planting (except for modern-day hybrid corn). The Spanish explorers took corn back to Europe with them, but it wasn't grown until much later.

Corn (maize) wasn't really "discovered" so much as developed by the native peoples of northern Mexico, possibly as much as 12,000 years ago. It's unclear exactly which plants they started with in the development process, but one of them may have been teosinte, a tall native grass with its seeds where the tassels are on modern corn plants.

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Originally, the term "Indian corn" referred to all varieties of maize discovered in the New World. This was later shortened to "corn". Now, "Indian corn" is used to refer to the multi-colored maize. Also, corn on the cob is usually the sweet corn variety. So, the difference is that the corn on the cob will taste sweeter and the Indian corn will come in multiple colors.

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Corn is renewable. Renewable means more can be created and nonrenewable (like oil) means more cannot be created - there is only a finite amount that will every be discovered. Since we can always grow more corn it's renewable.

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GMO foods were not discovered, they were developed by biotech companies. GMO soy and corn have been grown in the United States and sold commercially since 1996.

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