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I would say multi-vitamin, but make sure it has enough B12 in it. It's better to make sure you are getting enough of all vitamins and minerals (some can be harder to get as a vegen, as some are only found in proteins, meats, dairy, ect. and not enough in fruits and vegetables or grains.).

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Because animal products are the only good proper source of B12. However, vegans are said to have fewer diseases and longer life spans due to their normal and natural dietary choice. Humans are herbivores and here are some basic reasons why just in case you are a meat eater of a lower IQ and you need everything spelled out for you.

  • Herbivores sweat through pores on their skin, carnivores and omnivores sweat through their mouth
  • The most popular food allergy among children is dairy
  • 75% of the human population are lactose intolerant
  • The countries who have the highest rates of osteoporosis (USA, England, Sweden, Finland and Norway) are the exact same countries who consume the highest amounts of dairy
  • Animal protein makes our blood acidic, which is not good. This means are body has to leach calcium, phosphate out of your bones to neutralize the acidity. Dairy does not give us calcium!
  • There is not a single plant product on the planet that contains cholesterol.
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Q: Why are vegans encouraged to eat foods fortified with vitamin B12?
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Why could acquiring sufficient vitamin B-12 from the diet be a problem for vegans?

It is easy for vegans to get enough enough vitamin B12. There are lots of vegan B12 supplements and fortified foods. Also, nutritional yeast is a delicious ingredient that is high in B12.

Which vitamins do vegans need to be aware of?

B12 is mentioned by most nutritionists. Protein and calcium, although not vitamins, are available in less quantities in vegan food. I'm a vegetarian so I would highly recommend B12 and Vitamin D. Be sure to take in enough proteins and calcium so you don't become malnourished as well.

What are the most highly fortified foods on the market?

milk is fortified with vitamin D

Foods that have vitamin a?

Fish . Eggs . Liver . Oil . Fortified Dairy Products

How can you increase vitamin B12 in your diet?

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods including fish, milk and milk products, eggs, meat, and poultry. Fortified breakfast cereals are an excellent source of vitamin B12 and a particularly valuable source for vegetarians / vegans.

What typically is not a nutrient concern for vegans?

Vegans need to find a source of vitamin B12, either through enriched foods like breakfast cereal or soy milk, or through supplements.

What nutrients are at risk for being low in a vegan diet?

Many vegens lack enough B12, because it is mostly found in meat, shellfish, milk, and eggs, all of which are off-limits to vegens and most vegetarians. Some other vitamins found commonly in meat may be lacking, but can easily be made up through fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. Vegans generally do not lack this vitamin as they eat foods fortified with vitamin B12.

What vegetables have vitamin D?

Mushrooms provide vitamin D, if exposed to just 5 minutes of UV light after being harvested; this is one of a few natural sources of vitamin D for vegans. Very few foods are naturally rich in vitamin D, and most vitamin D intake is in the form of fortified products including milk, soy milk and cereal grains. Currently, there are some companies selling mushrooms that have been exposed to UV light and contain high levels of Vitamin D.

What are 3 foods that are good sources of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin required by body. The food sources of vitamin D are as follows: • Fortified Vitamin D dairy items, cereals, fruit juices • Naturally present in dairy items - milk, cheese, yogurt • Egg Yolk • Sea Food - Fatty fish • Supplements - Fish oil capsules, cod liver oil • Nuts

Why are certain foods fortified?

Some foods are fortified to replace nutrients, vitamins, or minerals lost during their preparation.Many foods are fortified to increase their sales.

Vitamin b1 deficiency disease?

Beriberi It is rare in the United States because foods are now vitamin fortified. If you consume a healthy diet, you should get enough thiamine.

What foods go into vitamin a?

No foods go into vitamin a, vitamin a is in foods