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The reason why ''Amanda Todd committed suicide'' or ''killed herself'' is...

That she was keep on getting bullied and bullied everyday! Also, she was cyber-bullied too a lot. It all started when Amanda Todd send-ed those naughty pictures of herself to a guy who faked you liked her. That guy started posting her naughty picture world wide on the Internet. Which some people at her school's found those pictures of her on the internet, which made her sad and cry almost every night! Amanda Todd traded to a lot of schools but, it still came to her, following her. Amanda Todd tried to kill herself a few times before but, people were making fun of what she was doing of killing herself, from all of that bullying and cyber-bullying. People would make fun of her of how she drank bleach!

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Q: Why did Amanda Todd kill herself from bullying?
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How did Amanda Todd kill her self?

she hung herself

How did Amanda Todd commit suicide?

Information on the exact means in which Amanda Todd committed suicide has not been released to the general public as of October, 2012. However, it had been reported that Amanda was cutting herself and taking anti-depressants. She apparently overdosed and spent two days in the hospital. Yes, Amanda did kill herself. She hanged herself in her bedroom closet in October of 2012. Amanda was only in her tenth year of school when she died.

How did Amanda todd kill herself?

Amanda Todd after many years of endless tormenting She hung her self in her own home on the morning of October 10th 2012.

Would the world be different if Amanda Todd hadn't killed herself?

Amanda Todd's suicide was done because she couldn't stand her life anymore. It really gave a "wake-up" call to some people who are bullies and it made a big impact on the world to see such a young soul die from a tragedy. The world probably would be different; a lot of people would still think bullying was "cool". In a way, it's horrible she died however, it showed people what can happen if you're mean to one another. The world would be different if she didn't kill herself; and unfortunately, not in a good way.

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Did Amanda todd die of drinking bleach?

she hung her self but she tried to drink it to kill her self but she failed

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Amanda reportedly attempted suicide by drinking bleach but was able to get medical treatment and live through that. She later overdosed after turning to drugs and alcohol in an attempt to manage her life. It is unclear if this was a deliberate act,or an accidental overdose. She completed the suicide in Oct. of 2012. She may very well have attempted suicide at other times, but the information was not made public by her.

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