

Why did Mormons travel west in the 1830?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Mormons began traveling west in 1831, moving from New York to Ohio. They then moved to Missouri, Illinois, and then what is now Utah. This is because each place they attempted to settle, they faced brutal persecution and in some cases were kicked out of their homes. They left to a place that was uninhabited so that they could practice their religion in peace.

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Palmyra, New York on April 6th, 1830.

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Mormonism began in 1830, over 100 years after the pilgrims. Therefore the Mormons never had an opportunity to help them.

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The LDS church was officially founded on April 6, 1830.

How did the Mormons move west?

The Mormons traveled west in wagons, with handcarts and later by train.

What is the signifigence of the Mormons moving west?

The signifigence of the Mormons moving west was for them to escape religious percsecution

What state was settled by Mormons in the west?

Utah was settled by Mormons.

What did the Mormons see on their journey to the west?

The great American West!

How do you compare and contrast the Mormons and the 49ers?

Mormons were traveling west in search of religious freedom. 49ers were traveling west in search of wealth.

Which trail did Mormons travel on?

The Mormon Trail.