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Hopefully you are not asking this from the USA. At any rate no question is a dumb question. I'm actually glad to help you. First you must realize that the only reason why the African American race exists is because of slavery. We African Americans are here because many newly settled Europeans (mainly British) came here to flee the injustices of Great Britain and its King to settle here and make their own laws, have a say so in their taxation and representation, and freedom of religion; the same things they forbid African slaves from having once they arrived here in the USA. If you live in the USA, you can easily visit museums in Virginia and South & North Carolinas to see and explore the ports and at the time, docking stations where slaves were traded. New Orleans also has a strong history of the slave trading places. The European slave traders and American plantation owners frequently removed the man of the family by selling him to other plantations or make him watch as the slave master raped the African slave giving birth to the first African Americans. That is also where the term African Americantechnically came from.In cities such as New Orleans, many African slaves voluntarily mixed with the Native Indians. This happened as a result of escaped slaves being helped and guided by the people native to that land, thus called Native Americans. These Native American/ African American/Haitian mix of people are called Creole. They are one of many different cultures that today have African blood and ancestors as well as share their cultures. This is why New Orleans has the unique culture that many tourists flock to today. Hope this answers your question! ATLRealist

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9y ago

African Americans came to Canada for favorable working conditions. When there were shortages in work in the United States, they often immigrated there. Others simply moved to Canada because they wanted to.

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12y ago

The initial Africans first set foot in the continent of America during or round about the age of the Egyptian Dynasties (btw 3100-2100 BC). According to recent study, it was deduced that they embarked on commerce voyages to and fro the continent supplying the channels with salt and precious metals. It is suggested that there was a great connection with the "Olmec" civilisation of Mexico.

The most recent migration was forced upon them during the hollocausts of the 16-18th Century which became known as the slave trade. African people were sold into slavery and transported by way of force into American South in 1619, by the European traders. Hundreds were cramped into the large ships, and endured hideous conditions.

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11y ago

blacks came because whites took them for slavery and they just stayed


Black where an integral part to the economy of the colonies and early states in North America as slave labor was needed to grow crash crops like Tobacco and Cotton.

Blacks that came to the Americas where concord tribe members who where sold to white Europeans by their concoring African tribe members who were also black.

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12y ago

Like all people in colonial America, Africans moved west along with Caucasians and other ethnic groups. Unfortunately, most African Americans were slaves (even the Northern States had slaves), so when their owners moved, their slaves went with them.

Remember than Ohio lands had only opened around 1790-1800. But eastern settlers were wary to buy because the land titles were rumored to not be 'clear' for purchase. Indeed, there was some disagreement about who owned the entire lands. For example, Pennsylvania had claimed "all lands" west of the Appalachian/Allegheny/Blue Ridge Mountains, not realizing that the great United States territories extended to the Pacific Ocean. They had NO idea how vast the land was. In addition the Connecticut Land Company believed it owned the majority of Ohio, but another claimant argued they owned it. So it took until 1820-1830 for settlers from eastern colonies to begin moving into Ohio in great numbers.

Southern States, like Kentucky and the Carolinas, were already being settled.

An additional reason to have tenant farmers or slave farmers was that when wars occurred, there were still able-bodied men to tend to Whites' farms. When slaves became free, however, they were no longer bound to their owners and could go where they wanted to establish homes and find work. Since most slaves had no education or little education, they were still in menial jobs - farming, working with farm animals, and making goods from farm crops. Once they were Free men, many joined the great migrations West, just as other groups also migrated.

The biggest reasons for migration was land. The eastern colonies' lands were taken and people needed room.

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12y ago

Africans didn't migrate to America. They were taken by force from Africa and shipped to America to be used as slaves.

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14y ago

From slaves ships that transported slaves from Africa.

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12y ago

Work opportunity.


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