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Fascism started with Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini who was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism. Fascism included elements of nationalism, corporatism, national syndicalism, expansionism, social progress and anti-communism in combination with censorship of subversives and state Propaganda.

Mussolini and the fascists managed to be simultaneously revolutionary and traditionalist because this was vastly different to anything else in the political climate of the time, it is sometimes described as "The Third Way". The Fascisti, led by one of Mussolini's close confidants, Dino Grandi, formed armed squads of war veterans called Blackshirts (or squadristi) with the goal of restoring order to the streets of Italy with a strong hand. The blackshirts clashed with communists, socialists and anarchists at parades and demonstrations; all of these factions were also involved in clashes against each other. The government rarely interfered with the blackshirts' actions, owing in part to a looming threat and widespread fear of a communist revolution. The Fascisti grew so rapidly that within two years, it transformed itself into the National Fascist Party at a congress in Rome. Also in 1921, Mussolini was elected to the Chamber of Deputies for the first time. In the meantime, from about 1911 until 1938, Mussolini had various affairs with the Jewish author and academic Margherita Sarfatti, called the "Jewish Mother of Fascism" at the time.

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Q: Why did fascism spread in Europe during the 1920's and 1930's?
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Fascism in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s can best be described as a form of totalitarianism. It elevated the state above the individual.

When did Fascism appear?

Italy, during the 1920s. It soon spread, and throughout the 1930s and 1940s several countries adopted their own unique forms of it (Such as National Socialism in Germany and Falangism in Spain).

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America wanted to insulate itself from europe in the 1920's and 1930's because of the establishment of communism in the soviet union and the emergence of fascism

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Fascism was invented in the late 19th century, but it was founded in France. The idea only arrived in Italy or Spain in the early 20th century and only had strong political influence in the 1920s (in Italy) and the 1930s (in Spain).

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When most people hear the word ``fascism,'' they naturally think of its ugly racism and anti-Semitism as practiced by the totalitarian regimes of Mussolini and Hitler. But there was also an economic policy component of fascism, known in Europe during the 1920s and '30s as ``corporatism,'' that was an essential ingredient of economic totalitarianism as practiced by Mussolini and Hitler. So-called corporatism was adopted in Italy and Germany during the l930s and was held up as a ``model'' by quite a few intellectuals and policy makers in the United States and Europe. A version of economic fascism was in fact adopted in the United States in the 1930s and survives to this day. In the United States these policies were not called ``fascism'' but ``planned capitalism.'' The word fascism may no longer be politically acceptable, but its synonym, ``industrial policy,'' is as popular as ever.