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Answer 1

At the time when Jewish community had suffered Holocaust around the world. The survivors have decided to get united and form a nation where they can establish themselves. And they found the place in the land of gulf near Palestine and the state named "Israel". Check the term "Israel" it has a mystery not sure but its the land where "Gabriel" defeated Angel.

Answer 2

As historical and complicated as this answer might get, the simple answer (validating the principal of Occam's Razor) should be acknowledged. After the tragedy of WWII was over, the world was forced to acknowledge the extent and horror of the Holocaust. The sheer proportion of the Jewish population to the number of Jews killed from the pogroms though the Holocaust was staggering. In assessing it's humanity, the world (represented by the United Nations) at this unique time in the Jewish diaspora and world history, allowed itself to acknowledge a collective shame for the depravity within our species and a profound sadness for the Jewish people. While many millions had died in the war, the genocide and systematic ("final solution") attempt to eradicate a whole people's in the most cruel of ways (as shown in pictures and stories by soldiers who saw the concentration and extermination camps, and legalized in history through the Nuremberg trials for example) tipped the scales of history. It was at the greatest cost, but the world acknowledged it was time to provide the Jewish people's with a homeland.

Answer 3

It was created to be the Jewish homeland. The holocaust was a contributing factor in demonstrating the need for the Jews to have a place to call their home.
Israel was established as a homeland for the Jewish people after World War 2.

It is well-known that the Jews lived in and maintained a historical presence across various areas of what is known as Palestine. (This is the idea of "Zion" in Jewish tradition.) But the specific "territory" was always in dispute. History has "blurred the lines" that demark "nations" in that area. Additionally, the whole of the region has been (until recent times) under some form of Arab control since the 1500's.

For centuries the Jews had wanted a "home" in the place where they had arisen. After action by (first) the League of Nations (in 1922) and (some 30 years later) the United Nations, a "partitioning" of Palestine was voted on by the latter body. This was November of 1947, and the proposal was to create an Arab state, a Jewish state, and leave Jerusalem to be U.N. administered. Arab states rejected the proposal, and civil war broke out. "Israel" (a not-as-yet "soveign nation") declared independence on the 14th of May, 1948. Within 24 hours, Arab states invaded.

Different negotiated treaties and accords as well as a number of wars have left the area "fractured" into disputed lands. But the state of Israel has been established, and never again will these people (Jews) be banished from the country they live in (in the area where they arose as a people) with no where to go. The Jewish people have a permanent home.

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8y ago
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11y ago

Because the British wanted out from the Middle East, and the UN decided that

most of the land of Israel will go an Arab country and the rest to the Jewish

population. Right after Israel was founded the Arabs (and by Arabs i mean all

the Arab countries surrounding Israel and those who lived in this land) declared

war on Israel.

Also after the holocaust the world has come to an understanding that the

Jewish people deserve their own country.


The UN doesn't "create" countries.

What the UN did, in 1947 ... reflecting publicly stated opinions and policies of

British, American, Muslim, and Jewish statesmen and political leaders going back

at least to the beginning of the 20th Century ... was to take a small part of the

region that the British had controlled, cut it in two pieces, give the local Arab

leaders administrative and political control of one piece, and give the local

Jewish leaders administrative and political control of the other piece, to be

effective as soon as the British cease administrative and political control and

go home in 1948.

Six months later, the date arrived, and British control officially ended. The local

Jewish leaders declared their piece to be a country, the local Arab leaders didn't,

and seven surrounding Arab countries put their armies together and invaded

the Jewish-administered piece. They succeeded in grabbing a lot of it, but after

fighting for the rest of 1948, everybody, including the Israelis, were surprised to

see that the new country was still there. And what really grinds a lot of peoples'

gears is that even now, more than 60 years later, it's still there, and it has the

audacity to announce that Jews now have something to say about their own

fate, and to insist that their country has no intention of evaporating.

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9y ago

It is important to note that "Nations" didn't create Israel. Israel was created in 1948 by its own leaders and citizens. What the United Nations did provide was the legal legitimacy for the Jews to declare a State. There are several reasons why they felt this way.

1) Be Gone & Good Riddance: (written by someone else) Many nations looked on with favor and relief, assuming that all Jews would eventually migrate there, and the nations would finally be rid of them. But even that fond hope was not enough for most Muslim nations, who bitterly opposed the creation of Israel, and after 64 years, still do.

2) Holocaust Pity:
The Holocaust bore out two major truths as concerned the Jewish people. The first was that without a government loyal to their interests, they could easily be targeted against and brutally murdered. The second major truth was that such an event was no longer a hypothetical since 6 million Jews were intentionally mass-murdered by what had previously been seen as one of the most progressive modern countries: Germany.

3) Middle East Control:
Although it seems odd to say it today, both the United States and the Soviet Union believed that Israel could be converted to "their side" in the Cold War. Given that any Jewish State in the Arab World would be isolated, it would be natural for such a state to create a strategic relationship with one of the major powers. Additionally, a Jewish State might be able to influence neighboring Arab states and make them more pliant as concerns oil shipments. Both the USA and USSR supported the Creation of the State of Israel for these strategic reasons.

4) Solidarity with the Oppressed:
Many nations in Latin America supported Israel because they sympathized with the oppressed Jewish people and saw the Independence of Israel as akin to their wars against Spain/Portugal and the internal fights for more indigenous equality.

5) Because It's the Right Thing to Do: There was certainly support for a Jewish State because some just saw it as the proper thing to return Palestine to the Jews. Churchill, who was no longer Prime Minister, held many pro-Zionist views out of respect for the Jews and their contribution to that region of the world.

6) Diplomatic Pressure: Both the United States and Soviet Union pressured their allies and third world countries to support the United Nations Resolution. This does not make the vote any less valid, but is worth noting.

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9y ago

The State of Israel was established in 1948, not 1968. That being said, the reasons for the State of Israel's establishment is discussed more here.

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8y ago

Zionist Jews had been trying to establish a Jewish State in Israel since the 1890s. The only reason that it took so long was that the Jews tried to get support from the International Community to make this dream a reality. As a result, it is worth splitting this question into "Why did Jews want Israel?" and "Why did the rest of the world finally come around on legitimizing Israel?"

Why did the Jews want Israel?

There are two operative parts to that question. There is the implicit question as to whether a Jewish State is something that should exist. There is the explicit question as to whether the geographical location chosen for this Jewish State is proper for its mission.

1) Why a Jewish State: Herzl explained quite well that the European concept of a nation-state was dependent on the idea that all of the people in any particular nation were of the same ethnic stock and heritage. Jews were branded by this system to be "the Other" and were regarded at best as possible equals and at worse as traitors, spies, thieves, and fifth columns. When the Dreyfus Affair turned out marches in Paris that said "Death to the Jews" on account of a kangaroo court against a particular guiltless Jew, it became clear that the Jew could not be integrated into Europe. After the Holocaust, the strongest proof that the Jew and the European Nation-State were irreconcilable, this view of denigrating "the Other" persists. In Europe, it is now directed at the Muslims since the Jews are not large enough of a threat to the European System. Unlike Muslims, though, which can return to their countries of origin if the discrimination becomes intolerable, the Jews did not have such a place. This is why the Jewish State is necessary. Since it came into existence it has accepted Jewish political refugees from over 50 nations and flown missions at its own expense to rescue Jews from at least 10 nations.

2) Why Israel: Ahad Ha'am explains that the Jewish Soul is intrinsically connected to his history and in the same way that a German-American can never be as properly German as a German in Germany, the People of Israel can never be as properly Jewish if they are not in the Land of Israel. The relics in that land speak to a Jewish sensibility and character. There are also religious reasons as expounded by Rav Avraham Kook which posit that the development of a Jewish State in Israel hastens the arrival of the Messiah. There are additional political reasons why Israel and not Europe. As explained above, the European Culture is strongly anti-Other and making a Jewish State there would have fostered much more contempt and alienation (ironically).

Why did the rest of the world come around on legitimizing a Jewish State?
1) Be Gone & Good Riddance: (written by someone else) Many nations looked on with favor and relief, assuming that all Jews would eventually migrate there, and the nations would finally be rid of them. But even that fond hope was not enough for most Muslim nations, who bitterly opposed the creation of Israel, and after 64 years, still do.

2) Holocaust Pity: The Holocaust bore out two major truths as concerned the Jewish people. The first was that without a government loyal to their interests, they could easily be targeted against and brutally murdered. The second major truth was that such an event was no longer a hypothetical since 6 million Jews were intentionally mass-murdered by what had previously been seen as one of the most progressive modern countries: Germany.

3) Middle East Control: Although it seems odd to say it today, both the United States and the Soviet Union believed that Israel could be converted to "their side" in the Cold War. Given that any Jewish State in the Arab World would be isolated, it would be natural for such a state to create a strategic relationship with one of the major powers. Additionally, a Jewish State might be able to influence neighboring Arab states and make them more pliant as concerns oil shipments. Both the USA and USSR supported the Creation of the State of Israel for these strategic reasons.

4) Solidarity with the Oppressed: Many nations in Latin America supported Israel because they sympathized with the oppressed Jewish people and saw the Independence of Israel as akin to their wars against Spain/Portugal and the internal fights for more indigenous equality.

5) Because It's the Right Thing to Do: There was certainly support for a Jewish State because some just saw it as the proper thing to return Palestine to the Jews. Churchill, who was no longer Prime Minister, held many pro-Zionist views out of respect for the Jews and their contribution to that region of the world.

6) Diplomatic Pressure: Both the United States and Soviet Union pressured their allies and third world countries to support the United Nations Resolution. This does not make the vote any less valid, but is worth noting.

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9y ago

The State of Israel was not created in 1968 .

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The Roman Empire referred to modern-day Israel as Palestine. Modern-day Israel was referred to as Palestine up until 1948. In 1948 the United Nations formed the country of Israel from the Palestine state.

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The citizens and administration of Israel did, in 1948. United Nations Resolution 181 only provided permission for Israel to declare a state. As said above, it was the Israelis who actually did the Declaring.

What day did the Arab nations attack Israel?

The Arab nations formally declared War on Israel on the 19th of May 1948, the day after Israel declared its independence.

Is israel an independent state today?

Yes. It has been since 1948, is a member of the United Nations, and has full mutual diplomatic relations with all but about 35 of the other UN member nations.

What state was born in 1948 following the partition of palestine by the untied nations?

ISRAEL is a modern state that was created in 1948 by Jews in Palestine.