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Reasons for not liking the US:

You are a religious fanatic and want to take down western civilization and democracy- which is pretty much the core of American philosophy.

You are jealous.

Reasons for not liking Iran:

It's a Dictatorship run by a crazy leader, ahmadinejad, who claims he is the holy Imam and wants to complete the production of nuclear weapons.

Muslim Women have no rights- they are forced into marriage, forced to wear a hajib and a small percent are allowed to study/travel.

Reasons for not liking Israel:

1. You are an anti Semite and dislike Jews, so naturally you will dislike their homeland and anything that will allow them to live and be happy.

Disagreement with the establishment of Israel-

Small history: 'Palestine' was a British mandate after the first world war in which the Turks were defeated. Palestine always contained significant population of Jews ever to challenge the Arabs living in Palestine. Britain looked favorably towards the world Zionist movement founded in the 1890s. the movement claimed that Palestine was the land promised by god to Abraham for the Jews and before the christians drove them out of Palestine, it was their homeland. Britain supported the idea of creating a Jewish state within Palestine. During the 1930s, Jews started coming to Palestine. the Immigration was speeded up after the World War 2 when many Jews were left homeless (thanks to Hitler) and were desperately looking for a place to go. Britain allowed so many Jews into Palestine that by 1945 the populated of Palestine consisted of 50% Arabs and 50% Jews. In 1948 thanks to the UN the Jewish state of Israel was created.

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