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Both are business and trade partners, with one of the most complex relationships in the world. Most think of Mexico as an exporter of Natural Resources but it is not the case: although the single most important commodity exported by Mexico is oil (11.7% of total exports), the specific exports to the United States include machinery and parts (28.2%) followed by oil (15.46%) and motor vehicles (15.04%). On the other hand, most exports from the United States to Mexico are not manufactured goods but intermediate products such as electrical machinery (7.4%), vehicle parts (7%) and plastics (4.9%).

Another way of looking into this relationship is the effect of maquiladoras, or manufacturing and assembly plants along the US-Mexico border. These plants provide much needed jobs for Mexican workers in exchange of lower taxes and negligible or absent import-export tariffs from American investors. These allow for greater business opportunities between the US and Mexico.

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Everything. Ironically, Mexico has more in common with the United States than with most countries in Latin America: Mexico and the United States are both North American nations, neighboring each other. Both are also trade and business partners belonging to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and have a pretty large and complex history including conflicts such as the Texas Revolution (1835-1836) or the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) as well as diplomatic and military cooperation including the diplomatic support provided by the United States to Mexico during the Second Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867) or the Escuadron 201 air squad provided by Mexico during World War 2 (1939-1945). The south western population of the United States has more affinity to Mexico, as California, Arizona, New Mexico or Texas used to belong to Mexico and many Mexican immigrants have arrived to these lands for the last 60 years.

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Q: How does US and Mexico rely on each other for business?
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