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Regular exercise is good for your health. A moderate amount of activity performed three to five days per week can:

  • Improve your heart health
  • Improve your Heart disease risk factors
  • Improve your strength and feeling of well-being
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6y ago

Exercise is good for every system in the body . The cardio-vascular system is made up of the heart, lungs, blood vessels and lymph system. The heart is a muscle that works and rests in a short cycle from before birth to death. Like any muscle, it grows fit (meaning works to capacity with ease) when challenged with exercise or grows lazy (has no reserve capability) with lack of exercise. The muscles that pull the lungs open so air rushes into them can only be exercised by periods of over use (exercise) to build up strength too.

Muscles build strength and size because of small amounts of damage done to them by overuse (exercise). Larger sized muscles need more energy and so burn more calories even at rest. Bones answer the challenge of being pounded by hitting the ground during running, jogging, or walking by building up in strength. The matrix of the bone fills in with calcium and minerals. Of course, one must have a good diet to provide the building materials! The musculo-skeletal system thus benefits from exercise.

Exercise also aids our mental health. Endorphins are released during exercise. This is the cause of "runner's high". Our metabolic rates increase during exercise and stay up all day if we exercise in the morning but if you only have time to exercise in the evening, you will still gain benefits.

Exercising outdoors adds another benefit-exposure to the sun. Twenty minutes of sun exposure, every day, gives the body what it needs to produce vitamin D. Just ten minutes of sun exposure gives the pituitary gland the boost it needs. You will sleep better too.

Fat is stored energy and will burn up during exercise. The omentum is an organ located in the front of the abdomen. Fat stored there gives the familiar "pot belly". This extra load produces pressure on the organs and causes high blood pressure. Now you can see that exercise lowers high blood pressure. A reduction in body size (weight lose) can reverse Diabetes in some cases.

There are so many ways to exercise that boredom can be avoided by changing from day to day. Weight lifting should not be done two days in a row; the muscles need a day to repair the damage done during exercise. The soreness felt in muscles is caused by lactic acid produced as a side effect of exercise so changing to a different exercise gives time for the lactic acid to be carried off. Walking is as effective as jogging or running and puts a lot less strain on joints. So mix it up; walk, swim, bike, weight lift, yoga, tennis.

If you want to know more about a given form of exercise, get a book on the specific subject. Lending libraries have many from which to choose. Alternatively, do more research on the internet. If you have been sedentary, start out with an easy does it attitude. Yoga and walking are good start up exercises and can be done inside during inclement weather.

Cardio walking is excellent for general health, heart health (or for weight loss). It is easier on your body than other forms of cardio such as running or jogging and it is sustainable long term. Walking for health can be done well into your dotage. For more information about the benefits if exercise, how to exercise correctly, and what exercise can do for you, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links.


It keeps your body moving so you don't get blood clots. When your exercising you are burning calories, and making musle
to get fit and stay healthy so you body can stay strong and fit for when you are old

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12y ago

Exercise has a multitude of positive effects on your body, including:

  1. Improved heart and lung efficiency, reducing your chances of developing heart disease.
  2. Increased metabolic function, enabling you to maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Strong joints and muscles, so you can meet the demands of daily life.
  4. Maintenance of posture and flexibility, to keep you walking tall.
  5. Production of endorphins in your brain, promoting a sense of well being.
  6. There is also research emerging that indicates that exercise can increase brain function.

Doing exercise improves your overall level of health and fitness.

If you want a healthy body then it needs to be maintained. If you don't maintain your car, there is an increased possibility that it will stop working. Similarly, if you don't exercise your body, it will slowly stop working the way that you want it to.

Taking regular exercising will help you to maintain your health, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. To stay healthy be active.

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14y ago

Growth and integrity maintenance.

Exercise helps one grow both physically and as a human being.

The body was made for work ... it was made for movement: that is its purpose - to get you around no matter what opposition is thrown in your way. Perhaps if it is strong enough, you can use it to help others and ease their burdens.

You were built to strengthen yourself, to help others and to overcome life's challenges - both personally and physically.

Solid exercise and maintaining muscularity, definition, muscle mass and general fitness will give you advantage as your body attempts to overcome injury, harm and disease along life's path, as these challenges can occur unexpectedly at any time.

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12y ago

increases muscle,oxygen,circulation, cuts down on fat, helps you maintain a healthy weight

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2y ago

it prevents us from getting desize and lets us be strong and healthy

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11y ago

It prevents from disease.

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