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Posterior superior alveolar nerve has no branches to supply areas where the patient can considerably feel the symptoms of anesthesia

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Q: Why posterior superior alveolar nerve block does not have subjective symptoms?
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What is intra-alveolar hyaline membrane?

A pathological condition characterized by the combination of fibrin and cellular debris, found inside the alveolar sacks of the lungs. They are the result of leakage of blood components into the alveolar sacks. They inhibit gas exhange and result in systemic hypoxia, with possible death in premature babies and symptoms of acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults. For example, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome features intra-alveolar hyaline membranes. This disease occurs in premature births. The newborn has not produced sufficient surfactant and so most of the alveoli in his/her lungs collapse. The few remaining alveoli are given the entire blood supply of the lung. Overloading of the blood vessels causes high hydrostatic pressure and eventual leakage of blood components into the alveoli supplied by the blood vessel. As these components accumulate, intra-alveolar hyaline membranes start to form. The membranes hinder the gas-exchange that would normally take place in the alveoli, leading to systemic hypoxia. This is the most common cause of death in premature babies.

What is Superior oblique myokymia?

Superior oblique myokymia (SOM) is a neurologic disorder that affects vision. It is a problem concerning the fourth cranial nerve and its relationship to the superior oblique muscle. Superior oblique myokymia is a condition that presents as repeated, brief episodes of movement, shimmering or shaking of the vision of one eye, a feeling of the eye trembling, or vertical/tilted double vision. It can present as one or more of these symptoms. Diagnosis is most often made by the elimination of other conditions, disorders or diseases.

What are the symptoms of breathing natural gas?

There are no symptoms.

What symptoms can chemical exposure cause?

Symptoms differ from a chemical to other.

What are the symptoms of pathogens?

Symptoms of bloodborne pathogens include stomach problems, flu like symptoms, fatigue, and weight loss. HIV and malaria are bloodborne pathogens.

Related questions

Why there is no subjective symptoms in posterior nerve block?

because PSA do not branch off superficially into soft tissues .

How do you use subjective symptoms in a sentence?

Subjective Symptom

What are the symptoms of venous insufficiency?

The symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency can be subjective and objective. Subjective symptoms include throbbing, cramping, burning

Symptoms are objective while signs are subjective?

This statement is incorrect. Symptoms are subjective experiences reported by the patient, such as pain or fatigue, whereas signs are objective findings observed by a healthcare provider, such as fever or high blood pressure.

What are some subjective signs and symptoms for impaired physical mobility?

Risk for falls

What are presenting symptons of this disease?

Signs and symptoms are both used in diagnosis. Signs are the objective observations that can be sensed, measured, or recorded by another person. Symptoms are the subjective experience that has to be reported.

What are subjective symptoms?

Subjective symptoms are symptoms that are imprecise in measurement. They cannot be objectively observed. For instance: How much does it hurt? "A lot!" That is subjective because "a lot!" to one person can mean something very different depending on who is experiencing and reporting the pain.In contrast, objective signs are measurable and consistent from one person to another. For instance, if one reports a lesion that is 3mm x 4mm and raised, indurated (hard), inflamed (red), and issuing a milky discharge, another person can observe those same exact signs.

Condition characterized by fibrosis of the lungs and an increase in size of the alveolar chambers?

Emphysema generally is characterized by such symptoms, as well as: - Patients becoming barrel-chested due to air retention - Alveolar wall destruction - Chronic lung inflammation - Loss of lung elasticity - Collapse of bronchioles on expiration As well as those already stated!

What do symotoms mean?

There is no such word as "symotoms". -You may mean "symptoms" which mean a subjective indication of a disorder or disease, such as pain, nausea, or weakness.

What is mild soreness?

All symptoms are subjective, including symptoms related to pain. For most people, a "mild soreness" describes a low-level type pain that does not restrict most movement or everyday activities.

What does subjective symptom mean in medical terms?

subjective simply means that it is a symptom that is only apperent to the patient. It isn't observable by anyone else. The oposite would be Objective, such as, "the patient is pale" while subjective is 'I have a pain in my head' When only one person can observe something it is subjective.

How does Alveogyl work in reducing the symptoms of alveolar osteitis?

Alveodyl contains butamben, eugenol and iodoform. first 2 ingredients help reduce the pain caused by a dry socket, iodorom helps killins microbes in the socket.