

Why was Hitler so against Jews?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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10y ago

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He thought that the Jews were to blame for the Germans losing WW1.
Hitler grew up poor and all the stores and business's were owned by jews and over the years he grew hateful and it grew year after year.

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10y ago
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10y ago

When Hitler fled Austria to escape being called up to fight he lived rough in the streets of Germany. There he saw lots of rich Jews living well. He then develeoped his anti-semitic views as he believed that normal Germans should not be bested by Jews as they were immigrants into Germany.
Jews have been the target of hatred and prejudice since Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt. Hitler just capitalized on that feeling and had the Jews arrested and killed so that he could confiscate the property of Jews to pay for his attempt to rule all of Europe. Hitler needed a lot of money to fund a war that big. He took what the Jews had and then had them murdered.

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12y ago

Hitler was 1/5 Jewish.

He was related to the Rothschilds- he was the illegitimate son of one of them.

The Rothschilds were instrumental in financing Hitler's campaign, so he couldn't touch them. instead, he made the other Jews his scapegoats.

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12y ago

Anti Semitism has been around for hundreds of years as a matter of fact it even raises its head in a Shakespearian play The Merchant of Venice. Because the Jews were not popular partly because of their insular attitude and their ability to work together and succeed they were hunted down from time to time all over the world. So the truth is that in the era of Hitler nothing much had changed aside from the humans ability to organise a killing machine that worked far more efficiently. Don't forget that the Jews were not the only people that were so badly treated. However as a result of their general wealth they are the only ones we are reminded of. Hitler and his ilk are villains however the only mistake he made was lose the war, had he not, he would have been just another great states man. I think he had a mental problem. The Jewish people generally ran the banks back then, and Germany was having money problems after WW1, so Hitler blamed them
Hitler's mother, (Kara), had Breast cancer. The doctor that was helping his mother was Jewish. The doctor gave his mother a very dangerous drug. The theory is that the drug might have killed his mother. This could be why he is against the Jews.

Hitler was a very smart man, and wanted the people of Germany to like him. Obviously, this wasn't going to come easy, so he had to blame something on the problems that were occurring in Germany. He blamed the problems on two things: The Socialists, and the Jews. By blaming everything on those two things, he caused Germany to dislike and resent Jewish people. He promised to "solve" Germany's problems, and by slaughtering the Jews, he created the illusion that he was helping Germany. While the people turned their anger to the Jews, Hitler began to take complete control over the government, without being noticed. He eventually became ruler of all Germany, while the people were too distracted to notice. Hitler began taking over many countries, expanding Germany. The people of Germany wanted money and food, so they loved Hitler, because by taking over countries, there was more food to go around. Many other people loved Hitler because they dreamed of Germany having power, and with Hitler, these dreams were coming true.

Overall, Hitler was a cruel, yet smart man. We may not know if Hitler had an internal hate for Jews, but we know for sure that he used Jews as a way to take over the government, and slaughtered millions for his own benefit.
Hitler wanted to wipe out all "inferrior" human beings from his empire. He thoght that the Jews, and many others like mentaly disabled people, were "inferrior". So he killed them.

Of course we're all special in our own way so when it comes to human beings, there is no such thing as "inferrior"

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13y ago

There really isn't a major reason why Hitler hated the Jews. The most common believed reason was that the Jews were the reason that Germany was defeated in World War 1. They have been used as a scapegoat for thousands of years, by almost every civilization. I find ironic that Adolf Hitler hated the Jews, but it is much believen that Hitler was of Jewish descendant.

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9y ago

Hitler hated all Jews because Germany was poor and he needed someone to blame for the economic situation.

The Jews of Europe had been persecuted for many centuries; as far back as the 1540s, Martin Luther, who started the Protestant Reformation in Germany, was writing of his hatred of the Jews. Hitler used this long standing ill will for a scapegoat to blame the economic problems of the era on them as a tool to gain power. It made him appear that he knew the source of Germany's trouble and that he was the man to fix it.

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11y ago

Hitler grew up in a time when Antisemitism was rampant throughout Europe. To make matters worse, it appears his father was particularly virulent in his personal Antisemitism. As often happens with people who are Supremacists, Hitler blamed his own failings on a convenient minority group, in his case the Jewish people. When he entered into politics, he found that many people shared his Antisemitism; so Hitler could use the Jewish people as political scapegoats for the ills of post-WWI German society.

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