

Best Answer

By Ann Olson

You've probably heard that your fat-burning heart rate zone can help you burn off more fat--but what exactly is it? If you think it's just the measure of your heart rate, it's not--nor is it how much your heart beats at its maximum. Your fat-burning heart rate zone is actually 75 to 85 percent of how fast your heart beats as its maximum, which provides the perfect environment for the body to burn off fat. For example, if your maximum heart rate is 200 beats per minute, your fat-burning zone is 150 to 170 beats per minute.

Its benefits aren't only superficial, however: exercising in this target zone has been shown to strengthen your heart muscle, reducing your risk for cardiovascular disease. A stronger heart also means you'll find it easier to do other physical activities without tiring out, such as gardening, playing Baseball or hiking.

But not everyone's fat-burning heart rate zone is the same. Here's a step-by-step guide for figuring out your "ideal" zone:

  1. Subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate. For example, if you're 22, use this formula: 220 - 22. In this example, the person's maximum heart rate is 198.
  2. Subtract your resting heart rate from your maximum heart rate (Maximum heart rate - resting heart rate). To find out your resting heart rate, hold you index and middle finger against the artery in your neck or wrist and count how many times it beats for 60 seconds. Subtract the numbers to get your heart rate reserve.
  3. Multiply your heart rate reserve number by the percent of your training rate. As mentioned in the first paragraph, you want to aim for 75 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, so choose a percentage that falls between these two numbers and multiply it. For example, if your heart rate reserve number is 100, multiply it by .75. In this example, the person's number is 75.
  4. Now add your resting heart rate to this number.Your answer is the heart beat you want to aim for when you exercise.

Helpful tip: Make sure to keep track of your heart beat by wearing a heart rate monitor. These devices are available in nearly any retail or sporting goods store. Avoid using the heart rate monitor provided on treadmills or elliptical machines--it's rarely accurate, and is often an unreliable way to find out your real BPM (beats per minute).

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Q: How to Find Your Optimum Fat-Burning Heart Rate Zone?
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Target Heart rate can be hard to find, but why is it important to find.?

To find target heart rates and the beneifits recieved from it try the following or

Do you find the lower your resting heart rate the harder it is to reach your maximum heart rate?

No, because if you have a lower resting heart rate you are usually healthy, but it can depend on the person.

Where can I find more information on target heart rate?

You can find out information on what your target heart rate should be by going to your physician for a physical. Many health sites such as Mayo Clinic also provide plenty of information on your target heart rate.

How do you find you maximum heart rate?

There are two ways to find heart rate 1) By palpating 2) By accusatory PALPATING:- If we keep our hand over left side of chest region we can find out heart rate per mint. normal heart rate is 20 beats /mint. ACCUSATORY:- By using stethoscope we have to place stethoscope on the heart ie chest region we will hear breath sound and heart beat. we can count heart beat per mint .

Different Exercises To Lose Weight?

Great tips. What I have found in my weight loss journey is that the most effective way to lose weight is by using aerobic exercise. The most important feature of aerobic exercise is to exercise at your optimal heart rate. It is the heart rate at which your body burns maximum fat. There are many formulas to calculate this rate but the most effective is given by the formula, 180 minus your age. There is also a method to perform this exercise but this area is too small a place to discuss it in detail. Basically, it consists of three stages. During the first stage you do your warm-up exercises. Don't skip this step and directly start exercising at your optimum heart rate. You need to build it gradually. After your warm-up you can start performing aerobic exercises at your optimum heart rate. If you cannot measure your heart rate, try to exercise at pace where you are not out of breath and can talk to someone while you exercise. Exercising at this rate will be close to your optimum heart rate. The time limit can extend anywhere between 20-40 minutes for this second phase. Finally, you need to warm down in the third phase and for that you need to perform your warm-down exercises by gradually reducing your heart rate.

To get the range of your target heart rate you should multiply maximum heart rate by what percent?

You can easily find your Target Heart Rate (thr) with this simple method. Subtract your age from 220 (226 for women) to calculate your Maximum Heart Rate (mhr). Find your training zone below and multiply that number times your maximum rate. im not sure if this is right but here you go.

What is the normal resting heart rate for a 28 years old woman?

The normal heart rate for adults is between 60-100 beats per minute. However, medications and certain conditions can raise and lower your normal pulse rate. Additionally, people who are very physically fit sometimes have a much lower resting heart rate. See your doctor to determine what a proper heart rate is for yourself personally.

How to find themaximum heart rate?

220 minus your age.

How can your find your estimated heart rate?

subtract your age from 220