

US Constitution

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Elijah Koch

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2y ago
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Cards in this guide (9)
How does the government establish order provide security and manage conflict

how does the government establish order provide security and manage conflict

In the English parliamentary system what is the executive called

prim minister

What term describes the very first protists


Which two names are included in the scientific name of an organism

genus and species


Which of these is an example of a domain of life


What was the mother country of the United States

The United States went to war with England to win independence, but we were originally parented by many nations. That is why we are often known as "the melting pot."

What group would likely believe that it is important for the US develop a strong textile industry


Who Today I registered to vote. This is an example of my

civic (A+)

Which of these groups would support a proposal that would authorize the federal government to set the speed limit in each state


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How does the government establish order provide security and manage conflict

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How does the government establish order provide security and manage conflict

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In the English parliamentary system what is the executive called

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In England from which body is the prime minister elected

In the English parliamentary system what is the executive called

The executive in a parliamentary system is elected by the people

What was the first meeting called in which delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia to complain about English rule

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