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The original idea was that since most states have their own Bill of Rights, they would not need to include one in the Constitution. However, to help appeal to other states so the Founding Fathers could get everyone to approve of it, they decided to add them as amendments, or formal changes to the constitution. 12 were proposed, but only 10 were passed. They resolved the issue by including these 10 amendments as the Bill of Rights.

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Many anti-federalists opposed the constitution because it didnt have clauses to protect individual freedoms, like freedom of speech, religion... When the federalists promised, should the constitution pass, the ratification of amendments dealing with these rights (based greatly on the Habeas Corpus), it calmed many anti-federalists and made them vote for the constitutions.

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Q: How did the bill of rights resolve the ratification of the constitution?
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When ratified the Constitution did not contain a Bill of Right?

In 1789 during the ratification process, the Constitution did not include a Bill of Rights.

Why Bill of Rights was added to the constitution?

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