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Polymers are typically formed by condensation reactions, not hydrolysis. In a condensation reaction, monomers combine to form a polymer chain with the release of a small molecule like water. Hydrolysis, on the other hand, is the breakdown of polymers into monomers by the addition of water molecules.

4 answers

This is for sure &*!@)!(@)!(@, this is because senior is too good for you.

4 answers

Ribo and deoxyribo polynucleotides.

1 answer

Polymers that contain sugar can be used as biodegradable materials, providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics. They can also be used in drug delivery systems and tissue engineering due to their biocompatibility. Additionally, sugar-containing polymers can act as adhesives in various applications.

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The polymers commonly used in shopping bags and plastic bottles are polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PE is used for shopping bags due to its flexibility and durability, while PET is used for bottles because of its strength and transparency. Both polymers are lightweight, cost-effective, and can be recycled.

2 answers

Polymers found in nature include proteins, DNA, cellulose, and starch. These polymers are made up of repeating units of monomers and play essential roles in living organisms, such as providing structure, storing energy, and transmitting genetic information. Nature has evolved to utilize polymers in a variety of ways to support life processes.

5 answers

Polymers of amino acids are proteins. Amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds to form long chains, which then fold into unique three-dimensional structures to carry out specific functions in living organisms. Proteins are essential for a wide range of biological processes, such as enzymatic reactions, cell signaling, and structural support.

3 answers

Water soluble polymers are polymers that will dissolve in water.

1 answer

The polymers of carbohydrates are polysaccharide.

1 answer

Synthetic polymers are cheaper than natural polymers.

Natural polymers are also less plentiful.

1 answer

The answer is polymer. Could also be referring to Macromolecule

6 answers

Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating subunits. Five examples from the given list include acrylic, polyethylene, silicone, fiberglass, and nylon. These polymers exhibit different properties based on their chemical structure and are commonly used in various applications such as plastics, textiles, adhesives, and composites.

2 answers

Yes, these are the polymers.

2 answers

Proteins are not polymers.

1 answer

No they are not. Polyols are polyalcohols. Vinyl polymers are polymers of monomers of the type CH2=CHX .

1 answer

Natural polymers are biodegradable, meaning they can be broken down by bacteria and other organisms in the environment. This process helps to reduce the amount of natural polymers going to landfills. Synthetic polymers, on the other hand, are not easily biodegradable and can persist in the environment for a long time, contributing to landfill waste issues.

2 answers

Monomers hook up to form polymers. There is a link below that will lead you to the Wikipedia post on polymers.

Water is also produced, this is a condensation reaction.

9 answers

Lots of statements are not true about polymers.

1 answer

The effect it has on polymers is that it makes them condensate.

1 answer

Monomers are the building blocks of polymers.

1 answer

Lots of statements are not true about polymers.

1 answer

When covalent bonds are formed between polymers, this is called cross-linking

1 answer

Polymers of carbohydrates are called polysaccharides. They are formed by joining monosaccharide units through glycosidic bonds. Examples include starch, cellulose, and glycogen which serve as energy storage or structural components in living organisms.

3 answers

Fat polymers usually vary in length and size, and starch is typically coiled. The protein polymers are round and oddly shaped.

1 answer

Proteins aren't called polymers, the polymers OF proteins are amino acids. Basically, amino acids coming together (creating polymers with the help of polypeptide bonds which forms them together) creates the polymers, which set up to create proteins.

1 answer

False, polymers are molecules made from repeating units of identical or nearly identical compounds called monomers that are linked together by a series of covalent bonds.

8 answers

Applications of polymers include medicine, agribusiness, and agriculture. Consumer science, sports, and industry are other applications of polymers. Polymers applications range from electronic devices to optical devices.

1 answer

No, not all polymers are man-made. Some polymers can be found in nature, such as proteins, cellulose, and DNA. These natural polymers have unique properties and functions in living organisms.

2 answers

Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating units, while plastics are a type of polymer that can be molded into various shapes. Not all polymers are plastics, but all plastics are polymers. Plastics are a subset of polymers that have additional properties, such as being lightweight, durable, and easily molded.

3 answers

Yes, polymers can be broadly categorized into natural and synthetic polymers. Synthetic polymers can further be classified based on their chemical structure and properties, such as thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, and fibers. These classifications help in understanding the different characteristics and applications of polymers.

2 answers

Carbohydrates that are polymers include starch, cellulose and glycogen.

1 answer

proteins and polymers of molecules are callled ?

1 answer

Alamanda Polymers was created in 2007-10.

1 answer

While plastics are used as a common example of polymers, there are many other materials which are also polymers. Polymers include:

  • anything plastic
  • proteins, such as hair, nails, tortoise shell
  • cellulose in paper and trees
  • DNA
  • silly putty
  • rubber

1 answer

While plastics are used as a common example of polymers, there are many other materials which are also polymers. Polymers include:

  • anything plastic
  • proteins, such as hair, nails, tortoise shell
  • cellulose in paper and trees
  • DNA
  • silly putty
  • rubber

2 answers

Polymers can be both renewable and nonrenewable. Some polymers are made from natural resources that can be replenished, like bio-based polymers derived from plants. On the other hand, many common polymers are derived from fossil fuels, making them nonrenewable.

2 answers

Enzymes are a type of protein, which are amino acid polymers.

1 answer

Yes, that is correct. Proteins are natural polymers.

1 answer

Polymers are known as millions of monomers made up to create it

1 answer

It woule be more accurate to say that polysaccharides are polymers.

1 answer

Polymers are formed from monomers.

1 answer

High Performance Polymers was created in 1989.

1 answer

Polymers for Advanced Technologies was created in 1990.

1 answer

For example thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, natural and synthetic polymers.

1 answer

Proteins are polymers. The monomers of proteins are amino acids.

1 answer