


The technique, occupation or hobby of catching fish. This topic covers game and sea fishing for pleasure or food worldwide.

500 Questions

Who found The Grand Banks fishing area?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Grand Banks fishing area was discovered by John Cabot in 1497 while he was exploring the North Atlantic for England.

Who invented fish hooks?

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The exact inventor of fish hooks is unknown, as they have been used by various cultures throughout history. However, evidence suggests that fish hooks have been in use for thousands of years, with some of the earliest examples dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Mesopotamians.

What does it mean when a fish rolls on a fly?

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Asked by Tifanyl

When a fish rolls on a fly, it typically indicates that the fish is inspecting the fly or trying to knock it off its territory. This behavior doesn't necessarily mean the fish will bite, so it's important to continue varying your presentation to entice a strike.

What is the world record red fish?

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The world record redfish, also known as red drum, was caught in 1984 off the coast of North Carolina. The record redfish weighed 94 pounds and 2 ounces.

What is the longest northern pike?

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The longest northern pike ever recorded was 58 inches (147 cm) long. Northern pike have been known to grow even larger in the wild, with reports of individuals reaching up to 60 inches (152 cm) or more.

How long does a brown trout live?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wild brown trout typically live between 8 to 10 years, although some can live as long as 20 years. Factors such as environment, food availability, and predation can influence their lifespan.

What do Northern pike eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

well... they eat anything that they can get their mouths on, small fish, leeches, chipmunks (if they fall in the water), frogs, baby otters, birds (all kinds), martins, and basically anything that is meat and is smaller than them, even their own kind.
Big pike generally do not eat small minnows, frogs and bugs. Their main food is Walleyes. The big pike will usually hang out where they can ambush and devour Walleyes. The prime ambush area is points leading into shallower bays. Big pikes are guerilla leaders on their own. They will also hang around rocky points, shoals, islands and other places where there are plenty of Walleyes. The most obvious place to get a big trophy pike is at the mouth of a stream or river gullies between islands. The big pike just sits there quietly, waiting for Walleyes to swim past them.

Northern Pikes are known to be very easy to deal with; it will hit just about any lure. The most popular lures for Pike are the "red & silver" and the yellow "five-of-diamonds" Daredevils. Pike are also known to hit jigs, Rapalas and Thunder sticks. Some of the biggest pike have been caught with small jigs. It makes a perfect sense because the big pike will patrol the outer parameter of the schools of Walleyes.

Pike loves to play with your bait. A big pike has the habit of hitting the lure and bait many times before falling to the bait. So you need to be very patient till you catch that elusive Pike. If you get a big pike on and then lose him in the process, just wait a little while and he will hit again for sure. They are so voracious, that they forget quickly and start to feed again.

Most anglers try to use Dare devils and one very effective way to maximize the attraction of a Daredevil or other spoons is to hard slap them. What you attempt to do is cast towards your target zone but cast up very high so that your lure falls into the area you intend to fish. Jerk your line towards you when the lure is just above 2 to 3 feet above the surface. This makes the lure slap on the surface. If you are doing it perfect, you can hear the Daredevil slap. The sound of spoon will trigger a feeding response. With clear water, the red and silver color lure works best. With muddy or iron-rich, clogged water, a yellow Five-of-Diamonds Daredevil seems to work better. In muddy or iron-rich water, rattle baits are far better as the pike can locate your lure purely by sound.

How big is the world record brown trout?

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The World record brown trout was caught in May of 1992 on the Little Led River, in Heber Springs, Arkansas.... It weighed 40 lbs. 4 oz. and was caught by Howard "Rip" Collins. The previous world record also existed in Arkansas, and was caught out of the North Fork River.

How much did the world record bluegill weigh?

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Asked by Wiki User

I live in Bama and it was actually 4 pounds 12 ounces, caught in 1950 in Lake Ketona ..See here That was the bama record SC holds the world title at 5lbs 7ozs. Caught by Amos Gray in 1998, in SC

Where can one purchase Walleye ice fishing lures?

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Fishing lures can be purchased from fishing stores. They can also be purchased online. But for the most part, fishing lures are available at stores where fishing material is sold.

What colors can walleye see?

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Different species have different needs from their vision and may well see (Infra red/Ultraviolet etc?) and other totally different light frequencies from humans. They may also see some colours vividly and other colours as shadows, so their vision works differently from ours because different things are important to them. No doubt they will see whatever colours they need to see for their survival in their natural habitat.

Why is action needed to bring sustainable fishing practices?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because, managed correctly - with quota systems, and restricting the number of days a boat is allowed to go to sea - fishing is a sustainable industry ! It's only when limits are removed, that boats can catch as much as they like - decimating stocks to a point where there will be no mature adults to perpetuate the species.

What is the largest flounder ever caught?

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The world all-tackle record for bluegill (bream) is 4 lbs, 12 oz. caught in 1950. Sorry, I don't know where that was, but that is the listed record.

What is best trout bait?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many different species of trout,Sea trout,Wild brown trout,Cultivated Brown trout,Rainbow trout and Brook trout. Best baits,Flys ie. Dry flys,Wet flys, Nymphs,and Streamers. Orther baits Worms,minnow,Lures of all different tipes.

What places are banned from fishing?

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the dog keeper

Is Rainbow Trout healthy?

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Up yours.

Literally. Rainbow trout in the larval form are commonly found in the digestive tract of the human body, and some larger mammals. Though harmless, if not excreted within 48 hours of consumption, the body fluids react with their skin giving them barbed scales which will rend your body from the inside out, thus ruining you for all the other women/men, depending on whether you roll with the rainbow.

How do you make a bone fish hook?

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Asked by Dakinebraa

ANSWER A universal knot. through the hooks eye. wrap around the original string a desired amount of times, usually 5. then put it through the hole made my the string going through the eye of the hook. Then put it back through the hole created between the last step. Then pull tight. hope this helps.

On reel fishing anglers dream how do you catch the legendary fishes?

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Asked by Wiki User

yh you can its hard but you can but u cannot get it on the boat for it is to heavy as i hav caught 2 its is a strain but its worth it