


Radiation is a process of radioactive waves affect and mutate living cells. There are several types of radioactive waves, and radiation effects. In this category, there are questions pertaining to the causation and effects of radiation.

500 Questions

Do bananas have radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nope Uranium is a very widespread element in nature. All materials of construction, all foods, all waters and soils, etc. contain small amounts of uranium. Uranium concentration in bananas is so small that it is not of practical importance. Even human body contain a small quantity of uranium.

What is geological radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geological radiation refers to natural radioactivity found in rocks, soil, and underground water due to the presence of radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium, and radium. This radiation is typically low-level and not harmful in normal environmental exposure but can pose risks if concentrated in high levels, such as in certain geological formations or near uranium mines.

What is unnecessary radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unnecessary radiation refers to exposure to ionizing radiation that does not provide any medical benefit or diagnostic information. This can include excessive imaging tests or scans that are not clinically indicated, leading to potential harm without a valid reason. Minimizing unnecessary radiation exposure is important to reduce the risk of long-term health effects.

Which industries use gamma to make use of products?

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Asked by Wiki User

Industries such as medical, food processing (sterilization), and nuclear power utilize gamma radiation for various purposes. In the medical field, gamma rays are used for diagnostic imaging and cancer treatment, while in food processing, they are used to extend shelf life by killing bacteria and pests. In nuclear power, gamma rays are used in radiation monitoring and control systems.

What is heavenly radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heavenly radiation is a term used to describe various forms of radiation originating from sources outside the Earth, such as cosmic rays, gamma rays, and X-rays. These types of radiation can come from celestial bodies like stars and galaxies and can impact our planet's atmosphere and surface.

How is radiation bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radiation can be harmful to humans because it can damage our cells, including our DNA. This damage can lead to various health issues, such as cancer, genetic mutations, and other serious illnesses. It's important to limit exposure to radiation and take precautions to mitigate its risks.

What is geographical radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geographical radiation refers to the distribution of radiation levels across a geographical area. It can vary due to factors such as altitude, latitude, proximity to sources of radiation, and geological composition of the area. Monitoring geographical radiation levels is important for assessing potential health risks and environmental impacts.

Where was radiation created?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radiation is a natural phenomenon that has existed since the creation of the universe. It can be found in various forms throughout the universe, including cosmic radiation from outer space, radioactive decay in rocks and minerals on Earth, and electromagnetic radiation emitted by stars and other celestial bodies.

Is radiation breathed in?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, radiation itself cannot be breathed in. However, radioactive particles or materials can be inhaled, leading to internal exposure to radiation. This can occur, for example, in accidents involving radioactive materials or in certain occupational settings.

What emit radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Common sources of radiation include the sun, nuclear power plants, medical imaging devices such as X-rays and CT scans, radioactive materials used in industry and research, and naturally occurring elements like uranium and radon gas.

Where does radiation happen?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sun, arc welding, "black lights" (looking fro fluorescence).

[inside florescent lights - but its blocked by the surface of the bulbs.)

To give out radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Radiation is released through the emission of energy in the form of waves or particles from a source. It can come from natural sources like the sun or be generated artificially through various processes like nuclear reactions or medical imaging machines. The impact of radiation depends on the type, dose, and duration of exposure, and protective measures should be taken to minimize health risks.

Does my I watch have radiation?

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Asked by rosesiri

No, your Apple Watch does not emit harmful levels of radiation. It uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for communication, which are considered safe for everyday use. Just like any electronic device, it's recommended to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper use.

How is heat transmitted by radiation?

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Asked by Brent-Micah Martin

Radiation is a method of heat transfer that does not rely upon any contact between the heat source and the heated object as is the case with conduction and convection. Heat can be transmitted through empty space by thermal radiation often called infrared radiation. This is a type electromagnetic radiation .

All Electromagnetic radiation?

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Asked by chris casey

Transverse waves

The right examples of radiation is?

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Asked by Suwarman Tandana

Some examples of radiation include the emission of light from the sun, X-rays used in medical imaging, and radio waves used in communication. Radiation can take various forms such as electromagnetic waves or particles emitted from radioactive materials.

How energy moves through radiation zone and the convection zone?

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Asked by Wiki User

The convective zone,energy is transferred much faster that it is in the radiative zone.

Which type of nuclear radiation is the least ionising?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alpha radiation is the least ionizing type of nuclear radiation. It consists of positively charged alpha particles, which have low penetrating power and are easily stopped by a sheet of paper or clothing.

Is NOT a type of high-energy radiation that is reflected or absorbed by Earth's atmosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

High-energy radiation such as X-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays are not typically reflected or absorbed by Earth's atmosphere. These types of radiation can pass through the atmosphere and reach the Earth's surface, posing a potential hazard to living organisms.

What are electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength between that of visible light and that of X-rays?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between visible light and X-rays is called ultraviolet radiation. It is known to have shorter wavelengths and higher energy than visible light, and is commonly associated with effects like sunburn and skin damage from excessive exposure.

What radiation does the ground emit?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ground emits terrestrial radiation, also known as Earth radiation, which is primarily in the form of long-wave infrared radiation. This radiation is a result of the Earth's surface absorbing energy from the sun and re-emitting it at lower frequencies.

Is a pot sitting on a hot burner conduction Convection or Radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

The heat transfer from the hot burner to the pot is mainly through conduction. Conduction occurs through direct contact between the hot burner and the pot, allowing the heat to move through the pot's material.

Which is an example of radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of radiation is sunlight. Sunlight is a form of electromagnetic radiation that travels from the sun to Earth.

Which type of device includes any point source that emits radiation without actively dispersing radioactive material across the area?

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Asked by Wiki User

A point source that emits radiation without actively dispersing radioactive material is typically found in radiation therapy devices, such as linear accelerators used for cancer treatment, or in certain types of industrial radiography equipment. These devices focus and direct radiation beams toward a specific target area, without spreading radioactive material around.

Why does small doses of ionizing radiation over a long period of time cause less damage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Small doses of ionizing radiation over a long period of time allow the body's cells to repair damage more effectively and adapt to the exposure. This process can activate protective mechanisms within cells that help to reduce the overall impact of radiation-induced damage.