


Ukraine is the largest contiguous country on the European continent with an area of 603,628 km km2. It borders the Russian Federation to the northeast and east, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, Black Sea to the south and Sea of Azov to the southeast.

500 Questions

The poison released by the meltdown of a nuclear reactor in Ukraine was?

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The poison released by the meltdown of a nuclear reactor in Ukraine was radioactive material, including iodine-131, cesium-137, and strontium-90. These highly radioactive substances contaminated the surrounding area and posed significant health risks to those exposed, leading to the evacuation and resettlement of thousands of people.

What is the altitude in Ukraine?

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The average altitude in Ukraine is around 175 meters above sea level. The highest point in Ukraine is Mount Hoverla, which reaches 2,061 meters in elevation.

Where is cherynobyl located?

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Chernobyl is located in northern Ukraine near the border with Belarus. It is approximately 100 kilometers north of the capital city, Kyiv.

What does Chernobyl have in common with Ukraine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chernobyl is a city in Ukraine where the nuclear disaster of 1986 occurred. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant explosion released radioactive materials into the environment, affecting Ukraine and neighboring countries. Ukraine is now responsible for managing the site and surrounding area.

What is the time difference between Los Angeles California and Mykolaiv Ukraine?

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Asked by Rfehring

The time difference between Los Angeles, California, and Mykolaiv, Ukraine, is 10 hours. Mykolaiv is 10 hours ahead of Los Angeles.

What is the national capital of Ukraine?

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The national capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is the largest city in Ukraine and serves as the political, economic, and cultural center of the country.

What is the purpose of chernobyl power plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

It was to produce electricity.

However, in the 1980's it has a major nuclear accident, whereupon all production stopped and the area for some 30 miles around was evacuated to prevent radio-activity and radiation burns/cancer

Today it is derelict and embalmed in a concrete shell to prevent any further escape of radio active matertial . .

Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from who?

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Asked by Wiki User

Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from France and Britain in their struggle for independence and unification.

The crimean peninsula jut out into which sea?

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The Crimean Peninsula juts out into the Black Sea.

What climate type is found in the Crimean Peninsula?

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Asked by Lovnicole1

The Crimean Peninsula has a humid subtropical climate. Summers are hot and dry, while winters are mild with occasional snowfall. It is influenced by the Black Sea, which moderates temperature extremes.

What medal did William Hall get in the Crimean War?

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William Hall received the Victoria Cross, the highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. He earned this honor for his actions during the Crimean War.

In which country is the Crimean Peninsula?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Russians and the Turks fought over the Crimea during the 19th century. It eventually became part of the Russian Empire, and then the Soviet Union. Within the Soviet Union, the peninsula was initially part of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (Russia), but was transferred to Ukraine during the 1950s.

Recent events (early 2014) have resulted in Russia asserting control again over the Crimean Peninsula, although Ukraine and most of the rest of the world refuse formal recognition of that.

So Russia says that the Crimean Peninsula is in Russia and the rest of the world says it is in Ukraine. Only the passage of time will tell which is true for the future.

What do Estonia Latvia Lithuania Ukraine and Kazakhstan all have in common on the map?

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Asked by Wiki User

These countries are all located in Eastern Europe or Central Asia, and share borders with Russia. They were all part of the Soviet Union and gained independence in the 1990s. They are all members of the United Nations and the European Union, with the exception of Kazakhstan.

What is the area of Ukraine?

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The area of Ukraine is approximately 603,500 square kilometers.

When does daylight saving time change in Ukraine?

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Daylight saving time in Ukraine typically starts on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday of October. Make sure to check for any updates or changes in the official announcement.

What body of water is bordered by Ukraine?

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Asked by Pathfindered

The Black Sea is bordered by Ukraine.

What units of distance measurement are used in Ukraine?

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Asked by Wiki User

The metric system is primarily used in Ukraine for distance measurement. Common units include kilometers (km) for long distances and meters (m) for shorter distances.

What is the Absolute location of Ukraine?

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Asked by Wiki User

The absolute location of Ukraine is approximately between 44 and 53 degrees north latitude, and 23 and 41 degrees east longitude in Eastern Europe.

What is the lowest point in Ukraine?

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Asked by Wiki User

mostly in Europe lowlands can be use in many different use like for example to cultivate. argriculture is on of the income for Europe. you can see this way why in Africa it can not be cultivate? because the lands are not fertile and other surroundings influence of nature. but unlike Europe it climate is good and the soil is fertile.

What pollution is in Ukraine?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Ukraine, the main sources of pollution include emissions from industrial facilities, transportation vehicles, and agricultural activities. Air pollution is a significant issue, with high levels of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide being common in urban areas. Water pollution from inadequate wastewater treatment, agricultural runoff, and industrial discharges also presents a major environmental challenge in Ukraine.

Is there only one time zone in Ukraine?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Ukraine spans two time zones. The majority of the country follows Eastern European Time (EET), which is UTC+2. However, there are certain regions in the western part of the country that observe Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), which is UTC+3 during daylight saving time.

Why did Chernobyl's power plant explode?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's a long and complicated story. Two main reasons are 1. the reactor design (RBMK) had serious flaws both in concept and in the engineering 2. the operating staff were inexperienced and badly trained. The management insisted on carrying out an experiment that had not been fully examined for safety, and which the operators did not understand.

I feel you should read the Wikipedia article 'Chernobyl disaster' which is a fair and unsensationalised account.

What is the Agricultural density of Ukraine?

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Asked by Wiki User

The agricultural density of Ukraine is approximately 0.17 hectares of arable land per person. This means that there is a relatively low amount of arable land available per capita in Ukraine for agricultural purposes.

What country is south of Ukraine and north of turkey?

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The country south of Ukraine and north of Turkey is Romania.

What is the land cover of Black Sea lowland Ukraine?

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The land cover of the Black Sea lowland in Ukraine includes a mix of agricultural land, forests, wetlands, and water bodies. The region is known for its fertile soils and is used for growing crops such as wheat, corn, and sunflower. There are also patches of natural vegetation and protected areas that support a variety of flora and fauna.