


Produced by Hoffman-La Roche, Valium is a drug used to treat insomnia, anxiety, seizures including muscle spasms, restless legs syndrome, status epilepticus, alcohol withdrawal, Meniere’s disease and benzodiazepine withdrawal. It is also used to reduce tension.

500 Questions

Is it okay to take Valium if taking dilantin?

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I do on a daily basis as directed by my doctor. I take them at night cuz they make me sleepy. I've not had any side effects or any reactions. I'm not a medical doctor & you should always check with your doctor before mixing medications in advance. - Jwseizure

Is Valium addictive?

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Valium can be psychologically addictive instantly if you've found its relieved your issues and can't shake the desire for more relieving... if you take it daily for up to a month or more than you can risk becoming dependant which i stress not to do... being previously addicted to herion, Valium, aphetamines, and cocain in the past i will tell you Valium was by far the hardest drug ive ever had to come off... the withdrawal is unbearable (potentially dangerous) and lasts so long its easy to loose the will to live... if you are already dependent do not be ambitious to come off them instantly or even ween yourself off too quick... you can do it as slow as possible and the suffering can be minimal and can be done therepeutically

Can you drink when taking diazepam?

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Alcohol will increase the central nervous system depressant effects of diazepam. You will become overly sedated. A small amount of diazepam and alcohol probably wont kill you, let's say 1 glass of beer and 5 mg of diazepam. But drinking alcohol and diazepam is not a wise thing to do and can be dangerous.

Is Valium an anti seizure medication?

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Basically, yes. Some people take Xanax but that depresses me whereas the Valium doesn't. It does make me sleepy, though, so don't take it at work or if you have to drive after taking it.

What are the side effects of diazepam for dogs?

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The bottom line is that you should not be giving Valium to your dog without your Veterinarian's guidance.

Can you drink coffee while on Valium?

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Yes. Diazepam works like Valium. It is a "downer", and a relaxant. Coffee is an upper, due to caffeine. If you have anxiety, coffee is not going to help you. The two drugs oppose each other.

Is it ok to snort Valium?

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Xanax, otherwise known by its chemical name Alprazolam has an oral bio-availability of 80-90%. That means that 80-90% of the drug is absorbed into your system when you swallow the pill.

You CANNOT insuffulate (snort) Xanax (Alprazolam); this drug is not water soluble meaning your nasal passage will not be able to extract the drug and enter it into your system, your only hope is that the nasal drip reaches your stomach which is redundant as taking them orally goes through the stomach anyways.

I would say the insuffulated bio-availability of Xanax is around 1-5% (this is a crude estimate). The oral bio-availability of 80-90% is REMARKABLY high (IV injection leads to 99-100%).

Xanax also kicks in very quickly, one of the fastest onsets of any drugs I've ever taken, and snorting it relies on it going through the stomach as it won't be picked up nasally so your actually looking at waiting more time when snorting it. Not only that you won't feel a thing (unless you are having a psycho-somatic placebo reaction).

Many people here say, "No, don't do anything unless the doctor tells you to" and "Never take it other than directed". I am not one of these people.

I am here to tell you, no you can't because it doesn't work, it won't get you buzzed, and the pills have a high bio-availability and work quickly anyways.

Thank you!

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Is kolonipin in the same family Valium and Ativan?

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Valium (diazepam) is more for anxiety and panic; whereas klonopin (clonazepam) is for panic and also for seizures more, but they are both in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines they are somewhat similar in my opinion.

How long after Ativan is given can you give Valium?

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You can give Diazepam (Valium) next day after you give Lorazepam (Ativan). Lorazepam is short acting and diazepam is long acting.

Can you take acetaminophen and diazepam together?

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Yes, the two have no negative interactions.

What kind of pills can you snort?

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Shooting pills is pretty unsafe unless your using a micron filter and know what your doing.

Pretty much any pill that is recreational to some degree is shootable as long as it's not an extended release. Of course some require more steps than others which you should always try and look-up online before attempting.

Can you mix Valium with Ativan?

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Yes. It is a normal therapy used among doctors. Check with your doctor or pharmacist on certain types of antidepressants you can take with the Valium.

How long to administer 5 mg of Valium?

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twice daily is what i got but not sure on the time between them or if it even matters

How long does Valium take to get of being detected in a drug test?

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No Valium will be gone with in 10 hrs after taking the drug but your best bet is to drink alot of water to flush you system it is best though to not take any meds such as Valium or vicodin or codine 24 hrs befor the test bill nremt-p cc rt

How do you stop mdma?

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I haven't verified the sources yet, but according to the Drug Studies (Health Sciences Dept) course I took in college (undergrad), if someone wants "OUT" of an LSD trip, they should take 500mg of vitamin B3 (Also known as Niacin). It will probably make your skin red, maybe a rash.

Note: I have never needed to remove someone from a trip, we were usually seeking vitamin C (booster rockets).

One other thing that won't get rid of it but will greatly reduce the intensity is cooling your head down. Less blood flow, less activity :)


maybe not to stop it, but drinking milk will mellow it out.

you can also look for a better setting, maybe you want to change location, do something different, etc. try to relax and remember it's just a trip and it will end after a while. you agreed on taking the drug, so try to make is as worthwhile as possible. try going outside, take a walk in nature; this usually feels good on psychedelic drugs.

Can Valium be detected in a urine test?

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Valium and other benzodiazapines are easily detected in urine.

How long after taking Valium do you have to wait to drive?

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It is always recommended that until you have been taking this type of drug for several weeks, (on a daily basis) that you DO NOT DRIVE. Benzo's have what is called a long "half life". Half life is how much of the active ingredient is in your CNS after you take the very first dose. Drug screens have detected a single dose of a benzo Valium a MONTH after it was ingested. This type of drug is not like alcohol, where it get 'out of your system an ounce per hour. Take this advice: Wait until you are at your home or hotel until you take the prescribed dose.

I am on Metronidazole Penicillin...I need to take a Valium for an MRI..can these be taken together?

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Yes, metronidazole penicillin can be taken with valium. However, these two taken together can cause nausea, headaches, and sometimes confusion.

Does grapefruit interact with Valium?

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Grapefruit does interact with Valium. You should use caution when using these together. I recommend not taking Valium within 6-8 hours of eating or drinking grapefruit. The grapefruit can interfere with the way your body metabolizes and uses Valium.