


Volleyball is played both indoors and on the beach. Teams get three chances to hit a ball over the net in hopes of grounding the ball on the opposite side. Ask questions about volleyball rules, techniques and teams here.

500 Questions

What skills should a six year old be able to do?

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Volleyball is a complex sport; even varsity players still need to practice and learn new skills. A six year old should be able to bump or pass the ball and maybe hit if they can reach over the net. It's not a recommended sport for kids under ten or eleven. They may be able to do drills but not actually play in a game.

How do you say Volleyball in Spanish?

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I like volleyball: Me gusta voleibol. I like to play volleyball: Me gusta jugar voleibol.
You say it like this: Me gusta el volleyball.

What passes are used in volleyball?

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digs, set up, spike, over arm and under arm ,serving

Why do you have to rotate when playing a game of volleyball?

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  • you need a different server every time or it's unfair
  • you don't want your teams stacked (setter, hitter)
  • that's how the game works, it has to have some kind of spice for example, why do you change the batter in baseball hmmm?

What is a strength and agility exercise that will help you with performance in volleyball?

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Exercises that include the power muscles, such as the quads and hamstrings, are important for volleyball. Any exercises that stabilize your shoulder are great for reducing the likelihood for developing an injury.

Is a let serve allowed in a volleyball game?

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a volleyball serve is when one team either underhand or overhand 'serves' to the other team; when one person goes to the back line of the volleyball court, tosses the ball, and contacts it with their hand, or leaves it on their hand and hits it over the net with their fist. they must serve from behind the serving line.

How many players are there on a side in a volleyball game?

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6 players are allowed on the court at one time.

Do players move anti clockwise or clockwise in volleyball?

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Yes, the girls, or boys, do. Its called a rotation. You do this whenever a ball touches the floor on the other side of the volleyball net.

What are the names of important volleyball tournament?

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World Cup, Continental Cup, Copa America, Champions League, European Cup and various national cups all over the world.

What bones do you use when serving underhand in volleyball?

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The whole of the skeletal frame is used in the game. The joints in arms legs and back are the most stressed.

How much does a college volleyball referee make?

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depending on how old you are it varies, I'm 14 and i make 13 dollars an hour and i work 3 hours a day which is 39 dollars

Why is the volleyball made from leather?

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The soccer ball was made out of leather in the early years of the game because leather is flexible and durable, and of all the materials available at the time, it was the best choice. Leather was used to cover the animal bladders that formed the air sack inside the ball. Synthetic materials were experimented with as chemistry developed, and eventually leather was discontinued as the construction material of choice. The new synthetic materials were flexible, durable and would permit a ball to retain its shape. Most importantly, the new materials absorbed less water than leather, and water adsorption was always a concern with the leather ball. Just as an aside, today's soccer balls are all synthetic because of the superbly uniform performance of the material and the ability to resist moisture. Synthetic's overall performance has surpassed leather's so it's better for ball construction.

When was Beach Volleyball Database created?

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Beach Volleyball Database was created in 1999.

Where can you find volleyball plays?

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Find all types of volleyball plays. Create volleyball plays for all level teams. go to Become a FREE member at and Learn how to create plays for high schools, club teams, college teams, pro teams, and Olympic teams for FREE. Learn how to create basic plays, advanced plays, and pro plays for FREE. Learn how to create back row plays for FREE. Learn how to dissect plays for FREE. Learn how to create volleyball offensive system for FREE. Buy 100% Volleyball Play Book "The Bomb Volleyball Offensive System" By Juan A. Tovar. This book contains over 300 illustrated, dissected, and detailed plays. Buy 100% Volleyball Mini Play Book. Includes 25-35 illustrated book of volleyball plays.

Does volleyball use aerobic exercise?

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Yes. Lots of quick sprints, shuffles, and jumps really increase the heart rate, which is the point of aerobic exercise. Plus, this type of stop and go workout is similar to an interval workout, which is a very effective type of conditioning and fat loss workout.

Was Gabrielle Reece a famous volleyball player?

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Yes. She played volleyball in college at Florida State University and holds school records for solo blocks and total blocks. She was inducted into the Florida State University Athletics Hall of Fame in 1997. As a professional, her team won the first ever Beach Volleyball World Championship

A high school girls vooleyball net is at 7 feet and 4 inches. Is there a rule about the volleyball pole height?

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No, not necessarily. The net has to be 7 feet 4 inches all the way across but from my knowlege as an athlete no, no restrictions on the pole. However, I imagine you won't find volleyball poles much higher than 7 feet 5 inches. They usually make them about the hight of the net.

What are good questions to ask your volleyball teammates?

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Well some things I don't know, but you will be asked if you have a criminal record for safety reasons. If you have expierence, know the rules and I think almost the most important is loving the sport.

What pass has the most control in volleyball?

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well there isn't a world record or anything, but

The longest game ever was 55 continuous hours long.

Why is basketball more popular then volleyball?

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Asked by Animaldiva4life

Football is more popular than soccer and basketball, because you can do anything: catch, hit, kick, push, run, throw, and more.

(Football isn't more popular than soccer. Soccer is the most popular team sport in the world :D)

What is the best volleyball floor tape to use to lay out a volleyball court on a wood gym floor?

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Asked by Goodideaguys

The best volleyball floor tape to use to layout a volleyball court is Shurtape P-724 Shurtape P-724 is a Kraft paper tape with a synthetic rubber adhesive. It is designed for temporary floor marking that needs to be removed with no adhesive residue and no floor damage.

It is economical and durable and is used my many NCAA Division 1 schools for temporary gym floor marking.

You can find more information about volleyball tape in the "Related Links" section

What short do you wear for volleyball?

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Height gives you an advantage in volleyball since, if you are positioned at the net, you will be better able to spike the ball (that is, to hit it so that it moves downwards rather than upwards, making it tremendously harder to intercept). However, shorter people can still play volleyball, much as they can still play basketball. It may be harder to do, but certainly not impossible.

Why is volleyball considered a team sport?

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Because when there is more than one person involved, it is considered a 'team' sport. In the sport of volleyball there are six players on each team, there is a minimum of four required to start and continue a game. In beach volleyball, there are two teams of two players.

What is the average speed of a women's volleyball serve?

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In tennis, the average speed of a serve for a man can range from from 70mph up to the world record of 163.7 mph. A pro would average in the high end, 120-130mph.

As of March 2014, the fastest professional serve speed for a man is held by Samuel Groth at 163.7mph (263.4 km/h). This was set at the 2012 Busan Open Challenger Tennis.

Additionally, other top speed servers include:

  • Milos Raonic
  • Akbano Olivetti
  • Ivo Karlovic
  • Jerzy Janowicz
  • John Isner
  • Andy Roddick
  • Taylor Dent
  • Benjamin Becker

Height does seem to play a factor in how fast a player can serve the ball.