

Apollo 13

Apollo 13 was the name of the fateful NASA moon mission which was intended to be the third space mission to carry humans to the moon's surface. An explosion of one of the oxygen tanks and resulting damage to other systems caused the mission to be aborted before the lunar landing could take place. Questions about Apollo 13 and its crew are asked and answered here.

500 Questions

Name a place where few people have set foot?

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The Mariana Trench, located in the western Pacific Ocean, is the deepest known part of the world's oceans and has only been reached by a few expeditions. It remains one of the most mysterious and unexplored places on Earth.

What are the 2 purposes of liquid oxygen?

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Liquid oxygen is used primarily as an oxidizer in rocket propulsion systems to support combustion in engines. It is also used in medical applications to treat patients with respiratory problems or in hyperbaric chambers for therapeutic purposes.

How did the mission systems break down on the Apollo 13 space flight?

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The mission systems on Apollo 13 broke down due to an explosion in one of the oxygen tanks, which led to a loss of power and propulsion. This caused the crew to shut down systems to conserve energy and move to the Lunar Module for life support. The mission was aborted, and the crew had to rely on backup systems to safely return to Earth.

What awards did Jim Lovell receive?

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Jim Lovell received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, and the Congressional Space Medal of Honor for his significant contributions to space exploration and his leadership during the Apollo 13 mission.

Why did astronauts get cold on apollo 13?

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To conserve electrical power, most services were switched off to extend the module's strained resources, including the cabin heaters, after the Apollo 13 crisis.

Who was the pilot of Apollo 13?

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Although it didn't land on the Moon's surface, the lunar module pilot was Fred Haise Jr; the command module pilot was John "Jack" Swigert.

What caused the accident on Apollo 13?

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We can say that it was a explosion in the oxygen cylinder.

Who Drove Apollo 11?

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Micheal Collins

What would Apollo 13 crew do on the moon?

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The Apollo 13 did not land on the moon only.

How fast is Uranus moving in space?

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uranus is going as fast as earth

What was the cause of the Apollo 1 fire?

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The cause of the Apollo 1 fire was a flash fire that ignited in the pure oxygen environment of the capsule during a launch pad test. The fire was triggered by a spark from exposed wiring that ignited a flammable material in the spacecraft, leading to the tragic deaths of astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. This incident prompted significant safety changes in the design and testing of spacecraft.

How did the crew of Apollo 13?

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The crew of Apollo 13 experienced a critical failure in their spacecraft's oxygen tank, which caused them to abort their mission to land on the moon. They had to work with ground control to come up with innovative solutions to conserve power, heat, and water to ensure their safe return to Earth. Their resourcefulness and teamwork during the crisis became a testament to human ingenuity in space exploration.

When was the Apollo 13 launch date?

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There were no spacecraft named Apollo 2 or 3

Sometimes one of the unmanned test missions is erroneously called Apollo 3. This was the AS202 mission which tested the command and service modules in suborbital flight. This was launched on August 26th 1966.