


A small, typically round cake of bread leavened with baking powder, baking soda, or sometimes yeast. The general color is light brown. The earliest biscuits were around 7th Century. In some countries, cookies are referred to as biscuits. You can see the cookie category here.

500 Questions

What is an air biscuit?

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"Air biscuit" is a colloquial term for passing gas or farting. It is meant to be a humorous and lighthearted way of referring to this natural bodily function.

What does the bi mean in the word biscuits?

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The "bi" in biscuits comes from Latin and means "baked twice." This traditional method of baking biscuits involves baking twice to remove moisture and create a crisp texture.

How many teaspoons of baking powder for making biscuits?

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measuring spoons - make sure you level off with a straight edge spatula

Can golden syrup substitute egg when cooking biscuits?

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They won't turn out quite the same (more hard, less sweet, not very chewy etc...) if you miss it out. You could try using honey instead, but it will taste of honey as a result. Plus the dough may not bind together without the syrup. It would probably be better to wait until you have the golden syrup to make the biscuits.

Which food group does biscuits belong to?

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Plain biscuits would be considered a starch and placed in the Grains food group while cheese is obviously a milk product and would be placed in the Dairy food group. Combination foods, such as sandwiches or soups, do not technically belong to one singular food group since they can be composed of ingredients from a variety of food groups. Although, since cheese is not the primary ingredient in cheese biscuits many would place it in the Grain food group.

How much is one can of biscuits if four cans equal 1.88?

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Depends how many biscuits are in the can. Say there are 5 biscuits in a can, you would take $1.88 and divide it by 4 to get the cost of each can. Once you get this cost, $0.47, you would divide this number yet again by the number of biscuits in the can to get the individual cost of each biscuit, $0.09.

Can you buy puff cracknel biscuits?

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Yes. Look in the store.

How many grams are in 1 biscuit?

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It really depends on the size of the biscuit. For instance, a digestive might have more grams than a jaffa cake, though it might be the other way round.

What are the function of sodium bicarbonate in biscuits?

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Basically bicarbonate of soda or baking soda makes the cake rise while baking using little air bubbles to expand the cake.

Would you eat canned biscuits 5 months past expiration date?

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If they were frozen before the expiration date, there shouldn't be a problem. If they have been in the refrigerator, toss them.

Can hamsters eat biscuits?

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No, these are for sugar-gliders and not nutritiously appropriate for ferrets. Ferrets are carnivores (meat eaters) and are unable to digest fruits and vegetable (can lead to blockage in the stomach). Sugar in ferrets can lead to a disease called insulinoma. ttp://

Do polish people like Biscuits?

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If they like it, yes.

Where does Amaretti biscuits come from?

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Amaretti biscuits come from Italy I believe they come from a town called Saronno, where Amaretto (the liquor) is made. This liquor is used in the preparation of Amaretto biscuits. Amaretto is not far from Milan and in the eighties there was a cute looking train that took you there. Maybe it still runs.

Cooked spiral ham Christmas is it still good?

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If you are asking this question, lets assume, no. Go buy as new F***ing ham you cheap bastard.

Why are Afghan biscuits called Afghans?

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Afghan Biscuits are a favorite home-baked treat that seem to have originated in New Zealand. There does not appear to be any memory as to why they are called "Afghan" Biscuits.

Who is the owner of Britannia biscuit company?

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Nusli Wadia. Hes the grandson of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

What is the usp of britannia treat biscuits?

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They have a new tagline - 'Zindagi mein life'; though he popular tagline has been "Eat Healthy, Think Better"

Where is the biscuit?

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It was invented in Biscuitville.