


Bourbon is an American whiskey made from at least 51% corn. Although the origin of Bourbon is debated, it probably came from settlers of Old Bourbon in modern-day Eastern Kentucky. Today, most brands of Bourbon are still produced in Kentucky.

119 Questions

What kind of drink is pepto bismol and bourbon?

Pepto isn't supposed to be used in mixed drinks or cocktails.

Is bourbon vanilla wine?

Bourbon vanilla refers to a particular type of vanilla plant cultivated on Madagascar, Reunion Island, ect (the "Bourbon" Islands).

Vanilla planifola, Vanilla tahensis, and Vanilla pompona are the three major variants of Vanilla orchid and are grown around the world in the Indian Ocean area, Tahiti & other South Pacific Islands, and Central/South America, respectively.

Bourbon vanilla beans are most commonly used for the vanilla extract you see at the grocers

What is the cooking method that softens and tenderizes fruits while infusing them with additional flavors?

Cooking fruits in liquid to break down the texture is frequently described as stewing.

What can you substitute bourbon for?

It depends on what you are baking but juice works or those syrups that are sold for coffee flavoring are better because the flavor is more intense and alcohol free and come in a variety of flavors.

Where did Wild Turkey bourbon get its name?

Austin-Nichols' Distillery

Lawerenceburg, KY

Can bourbon be used in place of whiskey?

It depends.

Bourbon is a subset of whiskey. Other whiskeys include Tennessee, Scotch, Canadian, and Rye.

Using Scotch or Canadian whiskey in place of bourbon would not be advisable because of taste differences. If bourbon is not available, try a Kentucky or Tennessee whiskey like Early Times or Jack Daniels.

Happy mixing!

How many calories in three ounces of bourbon?

There are 64 calories per ounce of bourbon, so three ounces equals 192 calories.

What state makes the most bourbon?

Kentucky, where it was first distilled by a Baptist minister.

Does bourbon get stronger with age?

Alcohol does not get stronger with age. In most cases there opposite will be true, the alcohol will evaporate, even through the seal. Aging it in barrels tends to improve the overall flavor and smoothness.

Where does bourbon originally come from?

Bourbon is a type of American whiskey predominantly made in Kentucky. It is made of a blend of different grains, with the bulk of the grain alcohol coming from corn, and grains such as malted barley, rye, or wheat making up the rest. Federal standards, issued by Congress in 1964, stipulate that bourbon must be a grain mixture made of at least 51 percent corn, produced in the United States, and distilled to no more than 160 proof, with nothing other than water added to the mixture (aside from yeast). It must also be aged in new, charred-oak barrels, among other requirements.

How many oz in a fifth of bourbon?

Technically it's one fifth of a gallon, so 757.1ml, but that has morphed into a standard 750ml bottle, which is the "normal" sized bottle you see in most liquor stores in the US.

What is the main ingredient in bourbon?

Most brandys are made of distilled wine. The first answer given ("Most hrandys are made of distilled wine.") is a good start. Here is some more information that may be helpful. Brandy is a generic term used to describe a spirit made from fermented mashed fruit or distilled wine. French brandies like Armagnac and Cognac are made from distilled wine. The grape varieties used to make these brandies are Unugi Blanc and Fole Blanche. Other grape brandies are made in Mexico , the U.S., Greece,Israel, and Spain. Brandies that are made from apples are Applejack (U.S.) and Calvados (Spain). Plums are used to make Quetsch, Slivovits, and Mirabell. If you would like a brandy made from cherries, try Kirsh.

What mixes with bourbon?

My go-to drink is cheap whiskey (bourbon, generally) with Diet Dr. Pepper. Give it a try and thank me later :)

Most expensive brandy?

Probably "Calvados", an apple brandy. Commercial Calvados is not that strong, but the calvados made in the countryside by French farmers is commonly distilled out at 140 proof.

After the liberation of France in World War II, the GI's were offered Calvados by the grateful French people. GI's, thinking it no stronger than any other brandy, chugged it - and a lot of problems arose from that, as you can well imagine. The saying among the GI's was that it was made from "ground up grenades".

Does bourbon contain wheat?

The distilling process removes any gluten.

Can bourbon be made outside of Kentucky?

Yes; but not outside the United States. Federal standards, issued by Congress in 1964, stipulate that bourbon must be a grain mixture made of at least 51 percent corn, produced in the United States, and distilled to no more than 160 proof, with nothing other than water added to the mixture (aside from yeast). It must also be aged in new, charred-oak barrels, among other requirements.

Can one still buy Walkers Deluxe Bourbon?

I am looking and can't find anything.

Yes, I have a bottle 1974 Deluxe Edition (License Plate Bottle). Never opened and am looking to sell.What is your email address? Let me know if you are interested