


Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement, also referred as breast augmentation or breast enhancement, is a cosmetic procedure done wherein an artificial implant is put under the breast tissue, or under the chest muscle behind the breast.

500 Questions

How much does a 700cc breast implant weigh?

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A 750cc saline breast implant weighs 0.66 kg (1.47 lbs) and a 750cc silicone breast implant weighs 0.76 kg (1.67 lbs).

These weights are for a single breast implant, not for two implants put together.

Is Variation in breast size among women is a result of the size of their mammary glands?

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Yes, it is actually very normal. No two breasts are exactly the same and many woman have a noticeable size difference from one breast to the other.

When do breasts come in?

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well it all depends on your age and also your hormone levels of estrogen ,generally they should come in from about 12 to 13 years of age .

but many studies so for are showing that young girls are developing sooner some as young as 9 years of age .

now once again depending on your age you might just be developing at the normal age and i wouldn't worry about it , it still means your perfectly healthy .

if your a little bit older the chance that you might just be one of those women with a small bust size , it happens

What is the life expectancy of silicone breast implants?

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The life expectancy of silicone breast implants can vary depending on several factors, including the individual, the type of implant, and various external factors. It's important to note that breast implants are not considered to be lifetime devices, and they may require replacement or removal at some point.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests that breast implants are not expected to last a lifetime and recommends monitoring them regularly through follow-up visits with a healthcare provider. While there is no predetermined expiration date for breast implants, the FDA states that the longer a person has breast implants, the higher the likelihood of complications and the need for additional surgeries.

Complications such as implant rupture, capsular contracture (scar tissue formation around the implant), implant displacement, changes in breast appearance, and other issues can occur over time. The risk of complications and the need for revision surgery typically increases as the years go by.

While some women may have breast implants that last for many years without any issues, others may experience complications that require earlier intervention. Regular monitoring, self-examinations, and follow-up visits with a qualified healthcare professional are crucial for detecting any potential problems and ensuring appropriate care.

It's important to discuss the specific details, risks, and expectations of breast implant longevity with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can provide personalized advice based on individual circumstances.

What causes variation in the breast size in the female?

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All women are different and have different levels of body fat and estrogen which are the two main variables that affect breast size.

Does collagen help you increase breast size?

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it can yes, talk to a plastic surgeon, but if you are looking to increase you breast size I've learned some natural tips, like when going threw a growth spurt eat allot of milk products and noodles, drink allot of milk right before bed, there are also a few exorcises you can do also. also play with them allot, sounds werid but it works trust me.

Do you need to massage your breast after breast implants?

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Massaging the breasts after breast implant surgery is highly recommended as it may reduce the chances of capsular contraction occurring, especially in cases where the implants have been positioned over the muscle.

Did Juliette Huddy get breast implants?

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Definitely yes. She's been talking about how small she was, and now she's very busty.

Does depo provera cause breast enlargement?

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Acutualy it can, there was a study done in canada, the medicine that is in the depo was in some chickens feed, so the chickens that were slotterd and sent to grocerie stores were bought by many familys.who had daughters, they found in the last 15 years girls were developing much earler then in the past.they bealive it was from the medician in the depo.
The depo provera shot for preventing pregnancy can temporary enlarge the breasts. However, it is temporary due to hormonal changes, and your breasts will eventually go back to their original size. At this time, there are no medications or shots to enlarge the breasts.

Will breast size increase after weight loss?

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if you are overweight, yes

AnswerYes it will. The lower the bodyfat percentage you reach, the faster the breasts shrink, since they are for the most part just fat. This is why you see some female bodybuilders sporting breast implants. What makes it worse is that there is little or no bodyfat to "hide" the edges of the implant, so they look even more fake. AnswerIt depends how "fatty" your breasts are to begin with. I have had a DD cup my whole life. I have gaind 6 sizes and lost 5 sizes and throught the only thing that shrank was the circumference of the body and there was less sagging. I still have the same cup size and they look exactly the same, except when I lost weight they perked up. If you don't want to lose the overall size, make sure you incorporate upper body strength toning in your exercises.

Can breast implants cause itching of the breast?

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From experience, I can say yes. My nipples have been quite itchy since my surgery 3 months ago. However, I do not expect this to last. I think it is an effect of (a) the stretching of the skin around the incision point as it heals, and (b) slowly regaining feeling and sensitivity to the region, like when your foot falls asleep and then tingles as the blood flows back through.

Can humans get wing implants?

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the answer is yes, but it is very expensive to make the wings and when you do get them transplanted you cannot use them with out extensive muscles work and pain in body growth but the wings would not be big enough to make you fly any ways unless you designed them just right.

How much does 500 cc of a saline breast implant weigh?

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If you want advice 800 cc is a lot! It would look way nicer if you try to go for a more natural look. Sorry but idk how much it weighs :) their are also some natural ways to grow breast. I do know 750cc is 1.47 pounds

Will popping your fingers make them bigger?

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know it just takes off the joint. But if you have big knuckles you will die in 3 days.

How much are breast implants in America?

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  • $3,694 for silicone breast implants.
  • $3,308 for saline breast implants.

Remember that like most things you buy, "you get what you pay for." Cheapest isn't necessarily always the best. If you're willing to spend a little more, chances are your implants will be better quality & the results will look better.

How can you enlarge your areolas?

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Healthy eating and breast massage are believed to help increase breast size naturally. These remedies have added benefits of preventing breast cancer and building healthy tissue in the breast.

If I am an A cup now what size would 500cc breast implants give me?

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Without knowing the breast size you have to begin with it's impossible to answer this question, plus the size of your ribcage and chest wall also make a significant difference. The profile of the implant also plays a big role, as does whether the breast implants are round or contoured. A high profile implant stands out from the chest further than a medium or low profile implant of the same size. As a very general guide, 500cc breast implants would be regarded as providing on average a bra size increase of three cup sizes.

Is plastic surgery covered under fmla?

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Yes -- elective surgery is covered under FMLA; however, it is considered "forseeable", and therefore requires 30-day notice be given to the employer.

Lift up breast with out surgery?

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You really can't. You could do pectoral exercises to make your chest muscles look better and firmer, which could improve your breasts a little bit, but it's a known fact that only a breast lift can totally fix sagging breasts. Don't trust creams or serums or scams.

How can you make your breast bigger overnight?

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The best way to get your boobs bigger overnight is to rub butter all over them and in the morning they will be bigger and rounder than ever. Butter works because there is an ingredient in it that speeds up the growth when soaked into them

Does hops cause an increase in breast size?

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Hops contain a phytoestrogen that forms weak bonds to progesterone receptors and stimulate growth of mammary glands over time. However, it is incredibly small growth.

How much does an 800cc silicone breast implant weigh in pounds?

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(800 cc * density in grams/cc) / 454 grams = pounds. some type of silicon chemical is 3.69 g/cc in density, so (800*3.69)/4.54 = 6.5 pounds. I'm not sure if this is the same density as the actual silicone or not, but you can look up silicone's density and plug that in for 3.69 above to find out the pounds you seek.

What is breast augmentation?

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I am a Utah Plastic Surgeon - Breast augmentation can be done with breast implants. There are other methods (none of which are mainstream or work terribly well at this point) including the Brava system and structural fat grafting.

Does 1 breast grow before the other?

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No, but it can seem bigger or smaller. Often the breast size of one is larger than the other. It is a small difference, but it is there.

What exercise can you do to lift you breasts?

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Breasts are fat tissue. If you exercise, you'll burn fat. Therefore, if you want bigger breasts, you need to eat as much as you can and not exercise at all.
None, they are not a muscle. Just make sure to drink the reccomended daily amount of milk or eating the equivalent of it in dairy products.