

Care of Turtles

If properly cared for, turtles can live for decades. Ask questions here about proper habitat and feeding to pamper your tortoise.

500 Questions

What size is a pond turtle?

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Well, red ear sliders can get 14 inches while map turtles at the largest are around 8 to 10 inches. Have two large ponds in Florida and have six turtles. Soft turtles can get huge and grow to the size of what environment they are living in. Have one in its own pond almost two feet round.

What is the appearance of a snapping turtle?

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All turtles have a shell. It can be a hard bone shell or it can be like a thick leather shell called a soft-shell.

Tortoises are actually considered turtles also. Torts are 'land turtles.'

Turtles all have scales and lay eggs. They all have claws (except sea turtles.)

They have a cloaca/vent where their sexual and excretory systems are held.

They have long necks to reach foods and to breath from under water. They breath underwater by using their long necks to reach up, so only their noses are above the water's surface.

Turtles are masters of survival!

Can you take baby water turtles outside?

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However, do not let them wander in dirt or in your own outdoor water systems--they easily can drown or be misplaced.

Can you use distilled water for a baby turtle?

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Yes, you can and you should. Tap water should never be used in a turtle tank. Use Brita filtered water, or, if you can afford it, fill the tank with Poland Spring.

How long do aquatic turtles live?

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Aquatic turtles, such as red-eared sliders, live for several decades, and can potentially outlive human beings. I remember reading an article about the oldest known aquatic turtle still alive in the United States; it was around 60 years old (almost as old as its owner). I tried to find the article again, but I couldn't. Sorry.

Sea turtles can live even longer; it is not unusual for them to live well past 100 years old.

What do turtles eat in a pond?

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I had a turtle and i spent about 100 $ on him in one visit of the pet store. I got him water falls grass plants, you name it. And soon enough I found out that turtles love to dig or burro. His whole habitat was destroyed. Into wreckage that you couldn't believe a turtle not even 6 in. long could do. so i wouldn't recommend too nice of a habitat.

What if your red stripe turtle has his eyes close what does it mean?

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Usually, at least with most land turtles, males have red or brown eyes while females have yellow eyes.

Are turtles that are in water and land nocturnal?

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no. they r not nocturnal.

Can turtles make babies?

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Yes. Interbreeding between different subspecies is quite possible, such as red-eared sliders and yellow-bellied sliders, or Eastern box turtles and Ornate box turtles. Different species within the same genera is also possible, but the offspring are usually infertile. In very rare circumstances, two animals from different genera can interbreed, but they usually share a close evolutionary history.

What to do to grow your turtle fast?

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Feeding your turtle regularly will definitely increase it's size, although whatever anyone may suggest, do not overfeed your turtle to make it grow faster. Doing this can cause serious illnesses for your turtle. Keep in mind when feeding your turtle that it will almost always keep eating, so don't just assume that it is still hungry.

The size of the turtle's tank will also change the size of your turtle, because turtles will grow to fit their surroundings. If you put one turtle in a big tank all by itself, over time it will grow a lot bigger.

Also remember to let turtles grow naturally, because although we as humans can have some power over how big they get, it is not a good idea to try and speed up the growth process for your turtle!

How do you find the gender of a turtle?

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Male turtle= long claws, long tail, and flat bottom shell

Female turtle= short claws, short tail, and round bottom shell

(Its easier to spot the difference with an adult turtle.)

What does it mean when the bottom of the turtle shell has some pink on it?

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If there is a bump on the plastron, belly, of a turtle then it could be the concave part of a males shell and that would be the natural shape but it's hard to say anything unless the breed, gender, and age is specified. Also a picture would help. There could be some thing seriously wrong with your turtle so you should take him to a reptile vet.

What does a leatherback look like?

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The leatherback insect is a type of grasshopper that eats grass. It has a long slender body and long hind legs.

What eats snapping tutles?

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  • Brian in Hatchet ate Snapping Turtle eggs but he was awesome and your lame!

What do you do if you have a turtle in the same tank as baby fish?

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Yes, but not huge fish. Just smaller fish like: guppies, goldfish, etc.

How do you let your baby turtle trust you?

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Baby turtles usually needs a few weeks to get comfortable with a new home. After that, if you can get them to associate you with food, they will trust you and even move in your direction when you enter the room. Don't hold them too much, either.

How much UV sunlight does my turtle need per day?

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Depends on the turtle itself, usually twelve hours. If he's happy, alive, and eating, then it could be less, if he needs more, give him more.

How much do petco salamanders cost?

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A word of advice - do not deal with a 'general' pet store if you're wanting a reptile ! Do some research on the particular reptile you're interested in first - then go to a specialist shop or look for specimens for sale though your local paper. No disrespect to Petco - but - places like that simply do not have the time and experience to give you the in-depth knowledge you need ! Your local library will be able to get hold of hundreds of reference books on reptiles.

What kind of fruits in vegetables can a baby water turtle eat?

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I caught a baby box turtle and even though i have seen that they eat more meat than vegetables, i feed mine fruits and vegetables.

fruits- pears, tomatoes, apples, banana

vegetables- spinach leaves, carrots, lettuce

How often does a snapping turtle give birth?

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They do not give birth. Turtles lay eggs, typically once a year.