


Carpenters work with tools to build and finish everything from cabinets to furniture, and also rough-in houses. Many enjoy working with their hands. This category is for questions about the work, career path, and the skills necessary to become a carpenter.

500 Questions

Where can one get at apprenticeship in carpentry?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on what type of carpentry you want to do. There are many types and occupations out there, which are:

  • Finish Carpenter
  • Trim Carpenter
  • Cabinetmaker
  • Ships Carpenter
  • Scenic Carpenter
  • Framer
  • Luthier

I would look into all of these in more detail first of all and them make your choice in which type of occupation you want to go down.

I have added a link to the "related links" section where you can look at carpentery courses and furniture training courses.

What is the pay scale for a union carpenter in Indiana?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Typical Union Contractor will achieve "Top Out" for pay after four years of apprenticeship training. Moving from 55% of Journeymans scale to 100% within those four years.

The pay rate for a journeyman Carpenter is $28.60 an hour not including benefits which adds an additional $15- $20 for Medical and Workers comp

What is the average salary a year for carpenters?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am looking for average Saleries for a lead carpenter who handles framing, demo and ordering materials for jobs... also consults and give opinions on jobs regarding the same.

What is a day like for a carpenter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carpenters work in various environments. Typically, they will have their own workshop to prepare materials. Generally, the work is completed where they are hired, such as a residence or business location.

What is the difference between architects and carpenters?

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Asked by Wiki User

Architects design carpenters build , I'm not sure what a contractor does though?

What material does carpenter work with?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wood of all species, plywood, orient strand board, nails, screws, adhesives, lots of graphite in the form of pencils, colored chalk, joist hangers, and coffee, lots of coffee.

What material would carpenter use to smooth wood?

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Asked by Wiki User

A material that is used to smooth out the edges of wood is sandpaper.

Planes and files may also be used to do this.

What is something a carpenter builds?

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Asked by Wiki User

they built houses chairs tables and athor neet stuff

How much do carpenters make staring out?

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Asked by Wiki User


How shuttering work can do a carpenter par day?

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Asked by Wiki User

its a trained assistant to that particular fieled, i.e carpenter hands, concretehand, shutterhand

What machines are the carpenter uses?

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Asked by Panimdim0215

something sharp

ANS 2 -Factories use a variety of saws to cut wood. Depending on the use and type of wood, they may use a large bandsaw, an industrial tablesaw with 12" blade or an industrial 'sliding table' saw which has a 5" pre-cutting blade and a 16" main blade.

When were the colonial times?

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Asked by Wiki User

From the 1600's to the 1800's.

What did Jesus the carpenter make?

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Asked by Wiki User


In the Greek translation Jesus is mentioned as the son of a τέκτονος (greek for craftsman, mason, freemason.

In the Hebrew text of Mark 6:3 Jesus is not mentioned as a carpenter nor son of a carpenter. He is mentioned as the son of a craftsman.

The verse in Mark 6:3:

"Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Josef and Judas and Simon" looks like this in Hebrew:

בן החרש הלא אמו שמה מרים ואחיו יעקב ויוסי ושמעון ויהודה

בן החרש meaning "son of the craftsman"

החרש meaning "the craftsman"

חרש meaning "craftsman"


חרש (kharásh) m. הלא זה הוא A craftsman: אומן בעבודה בחומרים קשים: מתכת, עץ או אבן.

חרש (kharásh) m.

A craftsman: Artist working on hard materials: metal, wood or stone.

The proper translation to English should therefore be:

"Is it not him, son of the craftsman?. Is not his mother's name Miryam and his brother's Jacob, Yosef, Simon and Yehuda?".

Jesus could have been son to a wood craftsman; carpenter, a stone craftsman; mason(freemason), a metal craftsman; blacksmith or such.


I would even take take it one step further and claim that the meaning of "son of the craftsman" really means son of The Creator; he who crafted it all.

Jesus according to christianity did not have anything to do with his earthly "father" Joseph, with whatever profession he may have had, and who, by the way, never touched his wife Miryam before she got pregnant in the "miraculous" way it was described.

Son of the Creator is a title given to the whole nation of Israel, G-D's chosen people, and not only to Jesus.

(By the way, why did Matthew 1 spend a whole page describing Josephs' genealogy through the lineage of King David if Jesus really was the son of G-D and not the biological son of Joseph? And an even greater mystery is why a totally different genealogy is described in Luke 3 for the same person..)

What is the wage scale for a union carpenter in Indiana?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the estimated mean annual wage for electricians as of May 2008 is, $49,890. This would amount to $23.98 per hour. In May 2008, median hourly wages of wage and salary electricians were $22.32. The middle 50 percent earned between $17.00 and $29.88. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $13.54, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $38.18.